How do I view an employee’s leave balance
How do I view an employee's leave bala...
Updating Employee Tax File Declaration
As an employer it is your responsibili...
Upcoming changes to employee ETP opening balances
One feature that allows users to easily migrate...
Importing Employees via Flatfile
Available for the following payroll classic pla...
What Is Your Employee's Primary Pay Category and How Does It Work?
Pay Categories are used to define the rates tha...
Changes to STSL calculations effective from 9 August 2021
On 19 May 2020, we changed the way the system c...
Importing Employee Deductions in Bulk
If you are needing to update employee deduction...
Bulk Update Pay Rates
Updating employee pay rates can be a very time ...
Scheduling employee earnings to take effect at a future date
This article explains the process of adding a n...
Retrospectively changing an employee's employing entity during the financial year and the interaction with STP
This article guides you through the correct pro...
Setting up employees with annualised wage arrangements
This article details best practice methods in s...
Downloading and anonymising employee data
This article discusses how to download and anon...
Employee Time and Attendance
If your Employer has granted you access to a Ti...
Uploading Employee Documents
In order to upload a document for an individual...
How to Change Employment Types
From time to time an employee will change their...
Importing Employees from Xero
You can use the Employee Importing feature with...
Adding an Employee
Once you have set up your business, the first s...
Paying above Award Rates
When assigning Employment Agreements and/or Pay...
Manage Employee Bank Accounts
If an employee is set to be paid electronically...
Re-activating an Employee
If a previously terminated employee resumes wor...
Setting up Employees on a Supported Wage System
If a business has installed an Award and also h...
Setting up recurring Pay Run Inclusions
Pay Run Inclusions comprise of additional pay i...
Adding an Expense Request on Behalf of an Employee
All you need to do in order to add an expense r...
Employee Advanced Standard Work Hours
Did you know that you can not only specify the ...
Setting up a Salaried Employee
Follow the steps in the article to fully set up...
Setting up Recurring Employer Liabilities
Once you have created some employer liability c...
Setting up Recurring Employee Expenses
Once you have created some expense categories (...
Updating Employee Profile Picture
The profile picture for an employee can be upda...
Adding Tags To An Employee
Tags are a useful way to add additional informa...
Recurring Super Adjustments for Employees
Super adjustments can be setup to repeat indefi...