Setting up a Salaried Employee

Adding a new salaried employee is easy when you follow the steps in the wizard. Start by clicking on the 'Add Employee' button from the payroll dashboard:


Enter the required details but when you get to 'Employment details' you have the option to select the 'Salary' pay category that exists as a default pay category in the system.

Within the 'Pay rate' field you can select either 'per Hour' or 'per Annum':


If you select 'per Hour', the system will display a message that will show what this equates to annually:


If you select 'per Annum', it will remain as entered:


Regardless of your selection here (i.e. 'per Annum' or 'per Hour' ), the employee's pay rates page will show the 'per Annum' rate in the main 'rate' field, and the equivalent hourly rate underneath:


You would not usually have salaried employees using timesheets so when the employee has been created, go to their 'Employee file' > 'Pay run defaults' page and take note that timesheets will be set to 'Do not use timesheets' and the box that says 'Pay these earnings by default in a pay run' will be ticked. 

What if my salaried employees are required to submit timesheets?

Some employees may be required to submit timesheets even if they are salaried. If you are setting up an employee who is on an annualised wage agreement under their award, you can refer to this guide for steps. Alternatively, if they are not on a specified annualised wage agreement but are still required to submit timesheets even though they are paid a default wage, you can follow the below additional steps to ensure they can do so while not having the timesheets affect the pay run:

Adjust their 'Pay Run Defaults' > 'Timesheets' setting to 'Use timesheets for exceptions only' to ensure they have the ability to create timesheets in the employee portal/WorkZone:


If you will be importing timesheets to pay other employees, you will need to ensure you are only processing these and not the salaried employees' timesheets; this can be done by creating a rule and rule set. Create a rule set called (for example) 'Salaried Employees' and a rule to ignore timesheets such as the below:


Finally, link the rule set to the employee via their 'Pay Run Defaults' > 'Pay Condition Rule Set' setting:


When any timesheets are imported into the pay run, any employee linked to the 'Salaried Employees' rule set will have their timesheets disregarded and the default wage paid instead.

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