Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award (MA000100)

The article provides guidelines on using the pre-built Social, Community, Home Care and Disabled Services Industry (abbreviated to SCHADS) award package. For further information about this industry award, refer to Social Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award.

Key updates

  Select the current financial year tab to see award updates for the 2024/25 financial year, while all previous updates before this time you can find in the historical financial years tab.

Current financial year Historical financial years
February 2025


We have implemented a new rule, "Broken Shift Night Shift (start before 6am),” as per clause 25.6(e)(ii). This rule ensures that the first shift of the day commencing before 6 AM and is part of a broken shift arrangement will be paid at the ordinary rate rather than incurring night shift penalties. Please see the below example.


An employee works a broken shift with the following schedule:

  • First shift: 4:00 AM – 6:00 AM
  • Second shift: 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

January 2025


We have updated the 25.9 Overtime Hours - Excursion rule by splitting the sleepover allowance and the overtime for hours worked outside the span of hours when an employee is undertaking weekday excursions as per clause 25.9. In line with this update, a new work type, set in units, has been introduced: "Excursion Sleepover." Employees must submit an additional timesheet specifying the number of sleepovers. Please see the example below of how this should be entered into the timesheets.


An employee rostered to pick the client up from their home at 10 am on the first day, spend one night away and return the client home the next day at 2 pm. He receives a break from 8 pm to 6 am.



Furthermore, the Stop Processing Allowances Work Types rule has been updated to include the Excursion Sleepover work type. This change ensures there are no conflicts with other rules or scenarios.


The following classifications and pay rates were not made visible during the previous update, and is now made available:

  • Home Care—Aged Care—Level 4 - Senior (Day Worker) - Casual
  • Home Care—Aged Care—Level 4 - Senior (Day Worker) Pay Point 2 (Since on or before 31 December 2024) - Full Time & Part Time
  • Home Care—Aged Care—Level 4 - Senior (Shift Worker) Pay Point 2 (Since on or before 31 December 2024) - All employment types
  • Home Care—Aged Care—Level 5 - Specialist (Day Worker) Pay Point 2 (Since on or before 31 December 2024) - All employment types
  • Home Care—Aged Care—Level 5 - Specialist (Shift Worker) Pay Point 2 (Since on or before 31 December 2024) - All employment types
  • Home Care—Aged Care—Level 6 - Team leader (Shift Worker) - All employment types
  • Home Care—Aged Care—Level 6 - Team leader (Day Worker) - All employment types


We have updated the award to reflect the Aged Care Work Value Case. You can find more information on the Determination here.

Changes to the award include: 

  1. All pay rate templates for "Aged Care - Level 2, Pay point 2" and "Aged Care - Level 3, Pay point 2" have been marked with an asterisk (*). They are no longer in use, and would also not be further updated.
  2. Pay rate templates and employment agreements have been updated and renamed as per Schedule E Home Care Employees—Disability Care and Schedule F Home Care Employees—Aged Care respectively. 
  3. New Leave Allowance Templates for Nursing Assistants to accrue an additional week of annual leave as per Clause 31.3. These leave allowance templates are available to employees assigned to one of the classification levels under Home Care Employees—Disability Care

These changes come into effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1st January 2025. Please install these updates after you have finalised your last pay run before the first full pay period beginning on or after the 1st January 2025.

Important Note:

Per schedule G.1.2, employees that were on one of the following classifications (Home care employee level 4—aged care, Pay point 2 or Home care employee level 5—aged care, Pay point 2) before 31 December 2024, will need to be paid the higher of the minimum rate of pay that applies to the employee’s translated classification at clause G.1.1 and the minimum rate of pay previously applicable to the employee under the award as at 31 December 2024. 

  • Please ensure that you have reviewed the impacted employees and ensure they are paid the correct rate accordingly. 
  • Upon updating the award, employees would automatically receive the new pay rate per the translated classifications. 
November 2024


The work type and shift condition "No broken shift allowance" have been renamed to "Not a broken shift" for easier identification and alignment with Clause 25.6(f). This clause specifies that if a broken shift exceeds 12 hours, it must be paid at double time rather than being eligible for a Broken Shift allowance. The "Not a broken shift" work type should be used to prevent the Broken Shift rules from triggering.

We have also updated the "maximum daily hours rule" to time worked in a day, ensuring alignment with Clause 28.1(b)(ii), for both Casual Shift Worker and Part Time Shift Worker rule sets.

August 2024


We have updated the Broken Shift rules to "Shift start: day of week", as this approach is more appropriate and applicable to a broader range of scenarios than the "Majority of shift". However, there are instances where this rule may not apply the correct Broken Shift Allowance due to system limitations.

Where employees have worked 2 or more broken shifts that begin on different days, the system would incorrectly apply 2 units of Broken Shift Allowance (1 unpaid break), resulting in an overpayment.

Manual intervention in the pay run is required to adjust to pay 1 unit of Broken Shift Allowance (2 unpaid breaks). 

Per the example below, the employee did 2 shifts on Thursday and 1 shift on Friday, resulting in the Broken Shift Allowance (1 unpaid break) being paid on both Thursday and Friday. This needs to be adjusted so that only 1 unit of Broken Shift Allowance (for 2 unpaid breaks) is paid on Friday.


July 2024


As we continue to receive client's feedback and clarification from respective bodies, we have made the following updates:

  • Clause 25.4(a) indicates employees are expected to be allowed a break of not less than 10 hours. As such, the rules have been set up with the intention to interpret shifts with less than 10 hours break as broken shifts, and the respective broken shifts allowances would apply.
  • Clause 25.4(b) states where by agreement between the employee and the employer, the break between the end/start of a shift contiguous with a sleepover may not be less than eight hours.
    • Rules can be customised to update the "Identify Broken Shift" rule to only interpret shifts with less than 8 hours break as broken shifts.
    • Alternatively, a new work type/shift condition "No broken shift allowance" has been created to stop broken shift allowance from applying for ad-hoc situations. This option should be selected for the upcoming shift.
  • Where the default configuration is that shifts are consolidated within 30 minutes of each other and treated as a single shift. Hence, broken shift allowance rules are updated to align with this and would identify shifts with unpaid breaks greater than 30 minutes.


We have updated the award to reflect the Fair Work Commission's National Minimum Wage increase detailed in the Annual Wage Review 2023-24 decision and also includes updates to expense-related allowances. You can find more information on the Determinations here and here.

These changes come into effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1st July 2024. Please install these updates after you have finalised your last pay run before the first full pay period beginning on or after the 1st July 2024.

Installing and configuring the pre-built award package

For details on how to install and configure this pre-built award template, please review the detailed help article here.

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The award default Rule Set Period is set to Weekly that ends every Sunday. If you follow a different work pattern or roster period, you can review and set the rule-set period date that applies to your organisation. 

Conditions of pay

Ordinary hours of work and overtime
  Clause Conditions
Ordinary hours or work. 25.2(a)

Day worker - between 6.00 am and 8.00 pm Monday to Sunday











Monday to Saturday: 

  • Full-Time
    • Disability services, home care and daycare employees: paid first 2 hours at 150% then 200% thereafter
    • Social and community services and crisis accommodation employees: paid first 3 hours at 150% then 200% thereafter
  • Part-Time/Casual: paid first 2 hours at 150% then 200% thereafter

Sunday: paid 200%

Public Holiday: paid 250%

Maximum hours per day.






  • 8 hours per shift
  • by agreement, 10 hours per shift 

Part-Time/Casual: 10 hours per day

Maximum hours over a period.



  • Full-Time: an average of 38 hours per week
  • Part-Time/Casual: excess of 38 hours per week or 76 hours per fortnight
Time off instead of payment for overtime (TIL).  28.2(c) Same as the number of overtime hours worked (1:1 accrual)
  Clause Conditions
Public Holidays. 34.1
Public Holiday not worked: paid at base rate
Public Holiday worked: paid 250%


  • Afternoon shift: any shift finishing after 8.00 pm and at or before 12 midnight Monday to Friday.

  • Night shift: any shift finishing after 12 midnight or commences before 6.00 am Monday to Friday

  • Public Holiday shift: any time worked between midnight on the night prior to the public holiday and midnight of the public holiday



  • Saturday ordinary paid at 150%

  • Sunday ordinary paid at 200%

Work Conditions
  Clause Conditions
Auto meal break.


30 minutes after 5 hours worked

Work during meal break


Paid overtime for all time worked until the meal break is taken
Meal with client 27.1(c)

Paid for the duration of the meal period at the ordinary rate of pay; counted as time worked

Minimum shift engagement 10.5

Part-Time/Casual - each shift or period of work in a broken shift.

  • Social and community services employees (except when undertaking disability services work)—3 hours;
  • All other employees—2 hours
Rest period after overtime


  • Employees, other than a casual, who work so much overtime and resume or continue work without having had 10 consecutive hours off duty, will be paid at the rate of double time until they are released from duty

Client cancellation










  • The employee will be paid the amount payable had the employee performed the cancelled service or the amount payable in respect of the work actually performed, whichever is the greater.
  • The employer must either:
    • (A) pay the employee the amount they would have received had the shift or part of the shift not been cancelled; or
    • (B) subject to clause 25.5(f)(v), provide the employee with make-up time in accordance with clause 25.5(f)(vi)
Broken shifts








  • Payment for a broken shift will be at ordinary pay with weekend, overtime and public holiday penalty rates to be paid in accordance with clauses 26—Saturday and Sunday work, 28—Overtime and penalty rates and 34—Public holidays.
  • The span of hours for a broken shift is up to 12 hours. All work performed beyond a span of 12 hours will be paid at double time.
  • Disability services work and home care employees.
Sleepovers 25.7(c)(d)(f)
  • Continuous period of 8 hours
  • Entitled to a sleepover allowance
  • An employee may work before and/or after the sleepover period but must ensure at least one of these periods includes four hours of work or pay
Work during sleepover 25.7(e) Paid for the time worked at the prescribed overtime rate with a minimum payment as for one hour worked
24 hour care





  • Applies to home care employees, paid 8 hours work at 155% of their appropriate rate for each 24-hour period
  • More than 8 hours will be overtime paid at the rate of time and a half for the first 2 hours and double time thereafter



  • Monday to Friday: between 8am-6pm
  • Weekend
Remote work minimum shift engagement













  • Minimum payments
    • On call between 6.00 am and 10.00 pm—a minimum payment of 15 minutes
    • On call between 10.00 pm and 6.00 am—a minimum payment of 30 minutes
    • Not on call—a minimum payment of one hour
    • Participating in staff meetings or staff training remotely—a minimum payment of one hour
  • Any time worked continuously beyond the minimum payment period outlined above will be rounded up to the nearest 15 minutes
  • Separate minimum payments will be triggered for each instance of remote work performed, save that where multiple instances of remote work are performed within the applicable minimum payment period, only one minimum payment period is triggered.
Remote work










  • Rates of pay for remote work: first 2 hours at 150% then 200% thereafter
    • outside the span of 6am to 8pm
    • excess of 38 hours per week or 76 hours per fortnight
    • excess of 10 hours per day
    • Weekends/Public Holiday
  • Miscellaneous provisions
    • Social and community services employees and crisis accommodation employees; family day care employees; home care employees
  • Work will not count as work or overtime
    • Clause 25.3—Rostered days off;
    • (B) Clause 25.4—Rest breaks between rostered work;
    • (C) Clause 28.3—Rest period after overtime;
    • (D) Clause 28.5—Rest break during overtime.
Recall to work overtime


Paid overtime; minimum 2 hours for each time recalled
Higher duties






  • Home care employee - exceeds 2 hours, a full day or shift
  • Other employees - period of five consecutive working days or more will be paid for the period for which duties are assumed at a rate not less than the minimum rate prescribed for the classification applying to the employee
Annual Leave Loading



  • Day worker 17.5% leave loading
  • Shiftworker higher of leave loading or penalties
Quantum of leave


Shiftworker entitled to an additional week’s annual leave on the same terms and conditions.

Special notes

  • Categories (work types, tags, pay categories) that have been marked with an (*asterisk) are no longer used in rules. It still remains visible in the platform for auditing/reporting purposes.
  • Employees can only be assigned to one of the tags below. Employee must be assigned to a tag to ensure overtime would be calculated accordingly. Where employees work multiple roles or streams, the rules will need to be customised.
    • Crisis Accommodation Services
    • Day Care Services
    • Disability Services
    • Home Care Services
    • Social & Community Services
  • It is assumed that all social and community services employees (with either "Disability Services" or  "Home Care Services" tag assigned) would be on an agreed regular pattern of work made under clause 10.3 to work a broken shift with 2 unpaid breaks and would be paid the allowances in accordance to clause 25.6. 
  • Clause 25.4(b) Rest breaks between rostered work is for intention of rostering and does not mention any penalty if employees did not receive such break between shifts, as such, no rule has been created. Custom rules can be created to pay employees a penalty if needed. 
  • Employment Agreements for employees with qualifications only has the minimum entitled pay point assigned. Employees needing to proceed to the next pay point will need to be reassigned accordingly. 
  • Community Service Leave in the system is a paid leave. If the employee is not paid for performing any community services, please advise them to use the Unpaid Leave instead.
  • Clause 25.7(f): Minimum engagement before or after a sleepover may not top up correctly if the employee took a meal break without having worked for at least 4 hours. In such instances, administrators or managers must apply the "No minimum shift engagement" condition to the appropriate work type or shift, and if required manually include the correct top-up hours in the payroll. 
  • Broken shift allowance rules have been set up to align with the default configuration of shifts consolidated within 30 minutes of each other and treated as a single shift. In instances where the shift consolidation has been changed, the rules should be customised respectively. 
  • The base rate for the following classification levels may not match the rate indicated on the pay guide due to a rounding issue with the system's calculation of casual loading. Please review and make manual adjustments where required.
    • Casual Social & Community Services Level 7 Paypoint 3
    • Casual Home care employees aged care Level 5 Paypoint 2
  • The clauses listed in the table below were not included in the award. If you need any of these clauses, it is necessary to create or customise the award.
Clauses not included in the award
Clause no. Clause Name Details
18 Supported wage system.

Need to create Pay Rate Templates and Employment Agreements.

Employee receiving a supported wage (see Schedule D—Supported Wage System).

19.2 National training wage.

Need to create Pay Rate Templates and Employment Agreements.

  • a) Schedule E to the Miscellaneous Award 2020 sets out minimum wage rates and conditions for employees undertaking traineeships.
Substitution of certain public holidays by agreement at the enterprise.

Need to customise rules:

  • (a) An employer and employee may agree to substitute another day for a day that would otherwise be a public holiday under the NES.
  • (b) An employer and employee may agree to substitute another part-day for a part-day that would otherwise be a part-day public holiday under the NES.
Board and lodging

Need to customise rules:

Employer provides board and lodging, the wage rates prescribed in this award will be reduced

Work types

Work types are a description of the kind of shift you are working, and you select them when you record a timesheet. The following is a list of work types employees can select on their timesheet, and the meaning of each item.

A - F
10hr shift by agreement Choose this work type when, by agreement between an employer and a full time employee, the employee is rostered for up to 10 hours (rather than the usual 8 hours).
24hr care shift Choose this work type for the portion/s of a 24-hour care shift where the employee is providing care.
24hr care shift - inactive time Choose this work type for the portion/s of a 24-hour care shift where the employee is not providing care. 
Annual leave Choose this work type when annual leave is taken.
Cancelled shift Choose this work type if the client cancels a scheduled home care or disability service.
Ceremonial leave Choose this work type when ceremonial leave is taken.
Compassionate leave Choose this work type when compassionate leave is taken.
Excursion Choose this work type when an employee is required by the employer and agrees to supervise clients in excursion activities involving overnight stays from home. 
G - L
Hot work allowance - 40°C-46°C Choose this work type when an employee is required to work in places where the temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius but does not exceed 46 degrees Celsius.
Hot work allowance - over 46° Choose this work type when an employee is required to work in places where the temperature exceeds 46 degrees Celsius.
Kilometre allowance Choose this work type when an employee is required and authorised by an employer to use their own motor vehicle in the performance of their duties, this work type should be used. The number of kilometres should be entered in the units field.
Launder clothing other than uniforms Choose this work type when the clothing of an employee (other than a uniform) is soiled in the course of the performance of their duties. 
Long service leave Choose this work type when long service leave is taken.
M - R
Not a broken shift Choose this work type when an employee does not require a broken shift allowance or when the shifts are considered separate engagements. This option should be selected for the upcoming shift.
No meal break Choose this work type to indicate that no meal break is taken during the shift. Normally, meal breaks are automatically added for shifts over 5h30m. 
No minimum shift engagement Choose this work type when an employee does not require minimum shift payment.
No rest period after overtime Choose this work type if an employee resumes work without having the 10 consecutive hours rest period following overtime.
On call Choose this work type where an employee is required to be on call (i.e., available for recall to duty or remote work) during any 24hr period or part thereof.
Overtime meal allowance (1+ OT hours worked) Choose this work type where an employee is required to work more than one hour after their usual finishing time or, in the case of shiftworkers, when the overtime work on any shift exceeds one hour. If an employee has been supplied a meal, then this work type does not need to be selected.
Overtime meal allowance (4+ OT hours worked) Where an employee is required to work more than 4 hours of overtime, choose this work type instead of the "Overtime Meal Allowance (1+ OT hrs worked)" work type.
Paid meal break Choose this work type when an employee is required by the employer to have a meal with a client or clients as part of the normal work routine or client program.
Personal/carer's leave Choose this work type when sick leave is taken.
Public holiday not worked Use this work type if you've had time off on a public holiday (only applicable to permanent employees).
Remote work - on call Choose this work type when an employee performs remote work while on call.
Remote work - not on call Choose this work type when an employee performs remote work where the employee is not on call.
Remote work - meetings/training Choose this work type when an employee performs remote work that involves participating in staff meetings or staff training remotely.
S - Z
Sleepover Choose this work type when an employer requires an employee to sleep overnight at premises where the client for whom the employee is responsible is located.
Time in lieu taken Choose this work type when time in lieu is taken.
Time off in lieu of overtime Choose this work type when the employee elects to receive time off in lieu rather than be paid for any overtime they are entitled to for this shift.
Unpaid leave Choose this work type when unpaid leave is taken. 
Work during sleepover

Choose this work type where an employee is required to undertake work during a sleepover shift. All time worked during a sleepover shift is paid at overtime rates within a minimum 1 hour of payment. If the employee is entering timesheets, and also the 'sleepover' work type, they will need to ensure that these do not overlap.

E.g.if the employee was clocking on and off using WorkZone, they would have to go back in and edit their timesheet if they had to wake up during the sleepover, adding a new line for each period of 'sleepover' and 'work during sleepover'.

Shift conditions

Shift Conditions are further details you can add to a shift where more than one condition applies to your shift. Shift conditions are selected when you edit a timesheet record, or when clocking on using the ClockMeIn Time and Attendance or Swag apps. The following is a list of Shift Conditions employees can select on their timesheet, and the meaning of each item.

A - F
10hr shift by agreement Select this shift condition when, by agreement between an employer and a full time employee, the employee is rostered for up to 10 hours (rather than the usual 8 hours).
L - P
Launder clothing other than uniforms Select this shift condition when the clothing of an employee (other than a uniform) is soiled in the course of the performance of their duties.
Not a broken shift Select this shift condition when an employee does not require a broken shift allowance or when the shifts are considered separate engagements. This option should be selected for the upcoming shift.
No minimum shift engagement Select this shift condition when an employee does not require minimum shift payment.
Paid meal break Select this shift condition when an employee is required by the employer to have a meal with a client or clients as part of the normal work routine or client program.


Employee tags are specific conditions typically related to the employee’s agreement. These are often conditions negotiated and agreed between the employer and the employee, or unique characteristics of the employee’s role. Payment of these provisions is usually of a recurring and ongoing nature.

A - H
7-day shift worker *This tag is no longer applicable.
Crisis accommodation services Assign this tag if the employee is to be treated as a Crisis Accommodation Services employee for the purposes of overtime calculation.
Day care services Assign this tag if the employee is to be treated as a Family Day Care Services employee for the purposes of overtime calculation.
Disability services Assign this tag if the employee is to be treated as a Disability Services employee for the purposes of overtime calculation. 
First aid Assign this tag if the employee is allocated as a first aid officer for all shifts worked. 
Home care services Assign this tag if the employee is to be treated as a Home Care Services employee for the purposes of overtime calculation. 
L - U
Laundry allowance Assign this tag if the employee is required to launder any special clothing or articles of clothing. 
Shiftworker Assign this tag to an employee who requires an additional one week of annual leave
Social and community services Assign this tag if the employee is to be treated as a Social and Community Services employee for the purposes of overtime calculation.
Time in lieu of overtime Assign this tag if the employee elects to always accrue time in lieu rather than be paid overtime. Time off instead of payment for overtime leave is accrued at the same rate as the number of overtime hours worked.
Uniform allowance Assign this tag if the employee is to be paid a uniform allowance rather than be provided with uniforms.

System Limitations

Please note that rules will not be able to interpret or calculate the below clauses due to platform limitations and will require manual intervention. 

Clause 28.2 Time off instead of payment for overtime
  • (d) Time off must be taken:
    • (i) within the period of 3 months after the overtime is worked; and
    • (ii) at a time or times within that period of 3 months agreed by the employee and employer.
  • (e) If the employee requests at any time, to be paid for overtime covered by an agreement under clause 28.2 but not taken as time off, the employer must pay the employee for the overtime, in the next pay period following the request, at the overtime rate applicable to the overtime when worked, based on the rates of pay applying at the time payment is made.
  • (f) If time off for overtime that has been worked is not taken within the period of 3 months mentioned in paragraph (d), the employer must pay the employee for the overtime, in the next pay period following those 3 months, at the overtime rate applicable to the overtime when worked, based on the rates of pay applying at the time payment is made.
Clause 25.5(f)(vi)(E) Make-up Time (Cancelled Shift) 

An employee who works make-up time will be paid the amount payable had the employee performed the cancelled service or the amount payable in respect of the work actually performed, whichever is the greater.

Clause 20.2(c) Clothing and equipment 

(c) The uniform allowance, but not the laundry allowance, will be paid during all absences on paid leave, except absences on long service leave and absences on personal/carer's leave beyond 21 days.

The system is set up by default to pay the uniform allowance even if the employee has taken personal/carer's leave for more than 21 days.

Clause 20.12 Broken shift allowance

Where employees have worked 2 or more broken shifts that begin on different days, the system would incorrectly apply 2 units of Broken Shift Allowance (1 unpaid break), resulting in an overpayment.

Manual intervention in the pay run is required to adjust to pay 1 unit of Broken Shift Allowance (2 unpaid breaks). 

Per the example below, the employee did 2 shifts on Thursday and 1 shift on Friday, resulting in the Broken Shift Allowance (1 unpaid break) being paid on both Thursday and Friday. This needs to be adjusted so that only 1 unit of Broken Shift Allowance (for 2 unpaid breaks) is paid on Friday

Clause 25.6(f) Broken shifts

Where employees have worked in excess of the 12-hour span that passes midnight, the system is only able to identify shifts on the same day. For hours beyond the 12-hour span and passes midnight would require manual intervention to ensure the correct penalty is paid to employees. 

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