Intergrating Slack with your payroll platform
You can link your payroll platform with Slack t...
Connecting Payroll to the Square integration
This feature is only available for b...
Accessing your User Account Details and Two-Factor Authentication
If you or your employees need to manage your ac...
Minimum software requirements
Web browser requirements
Make sure you have ena...
Import your managed users data
How do I import data into the Managed ...
Employee Self Setup - Employee Process
With the release of Employee Self Setup (also k...
Employing Entities: Payroll
If you pay employees from multiple Com...
Dimensions Overview
Many ERP and accounting systems have introduced...
How to add, edit, delete, and restore locations
This screen allows you to assign locations to e...
Connecting your Payroll to Zoho Books
You can integrate your payroll with Zoho Books...
Restore Deleted Items
Inadvertently deleting certain business setting...
Employee Portal Leave Settings
Employees are able to apply for, cancel, and vi...
Can restricted users access employee details?
Prior to 9 March 2021 any restricted user set u...
SOCSO Contributions
Both employers and employees (depending on thei...
Creating a Full or Restricted Access User
To create a user that has access to the busines...
Email Sender Authentication: Setting up DKIM
The following instructions will help you set up...
Advanced Settings
This screen allows users to configure more adva...
Restricted Email Domains
There are a few areas in the system where you c...
Tiered Leave Template
Having tiered leave templates enables you to se...
Location user permissions for managers
Managers (i.e. restricted users) can be assigne...
Restricted Users - Employee and Location Permissions
A full access user is able to grant restricted ...
How to set up the provision for leave liabilities in my payroll journal
Many businesses using an accrual based accounti...
Exporting Journal Accounts
Journal accounts are used for mapping purposes ...
Configure automated pay runs
Automating pay runs allows users to not have to...
Manage Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication (2FA) provides an add...
Manage Employee Groups
In order to provide users with permissions for ...
Manage Users Overview
The manage users page allows you to set up eith...
Shift Conditions
A shift condition is really just another "type"...
Integrating Payroll with Xero
This feature lets you import your Xero Chart ...
User access - one per browser session
If you're using multiple email addresses to acc...