Building and Construction General On-site Award (MA000020) | Civil Sector

The article provides guidelines on using the pre-built Building and Construction General On-site Award - Civil Sector package. For further information about this industry award, refer to Building and Construction General On-site Award 2020

Key updates

  Select the current financial year tab to see award updates for the 2024/25 financial year, while all previous updates before this time you can find in the historical financial years tab.

Current financial year Historical financial years
January 2025


We have updated the award to provide greater alignment between the platform’s pay condition rule sets and the award’s clauses.

Here’s the summary of the key changes:

  • We've introduced the Lift Industry Allowance to all rule sets as per clause 42.2.
    • New Pay Category: Lift industry allowance
    • New Tag: Lift industry allowance.
  • Minimum Break Between Shifts. Due to system limitation identifying if the previous shift is an overtime or not, a work type is introduced. Use the below work type if the employee does not receive a minimum 10-hour break after working overtime in the previous shift.
    • New Work Type: No rest period after overtime.

For detailed information on the changes, please refer to our guide here.

July 2024


We have updated the award to reflect the Fair Work Commission's National Minimum Wage increase detailed in the Annual Wage Review 2023-24 decision and also includes updates to expense-related allowances. You can find more information on the Determinations here and here.

These changes come into effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1st July 2024. Please install these updates after you have finalised your last pay run before the first full pay period beginning on or after the 1st July 2024.

Install the pre-built award package

To read details on how to install and configure this Pre-built Award Template, please review the following article. Before relying on the award information, users should carefully evaluate its accuracy, currency, completeness, and relevance for their purposes. You should also obtain appropriate professional advice.

The award default Rule Set Period is set to Weekly that ends every Sunday. If you follow a different work pattern or roster period, you can review and set the rule-set period date that applies to your organisation. 

Conditions of pay

Ordinary hours of work and overtime
  Clause Conditions
Ordinary hours or work. 16.1 7am-6pm Monday-Friday (day workers).





Shift workers paid at 200% of ordinary hourly rate

Day workers: 

  • Monday-Friday, First 2 hours paid at 150% of ordinary hourly rate then 200% of ordinary hourly rate thereafter.

  • Saturday before noon: First 2 hours paid at 150% of ordinary hourly rate then 200% of ordinary hourly rate thereafter.

  • Saturday after noon: paid at 200% of ordinary hourly rate.

  • Sunday paid at 200% of ordinary hourly rate.

Public Holidays: paid at 200% of ordinary hourly rate.

Maximum hours per day.


17.2 (c(ii) 

Eight hours.
Maximum hours over a period. 16.1  Average 38 hours per week.
Rostered Days Off (RDO).



Accrue 0.4 of RDO per eight hours worked (including Public Holidays and paid leave taken).
Time off instead of payment for overtime (TIL).  29.13 (e) Employee is entitled to take the same as the number of overtime hours worked. 
  Clause Conditions
Public Holidays. 30.1 (c). Paid at 250% of ordinary hourly rate.

17.2 (a)

17.2 (m)

17.2 (n)

  • Day shift: Shifts starting on or after 6.00 am and before 10.00 am.

  • Afternoon shift: Shifts starting at or after 10.00 am and before 8.00 pm are paid at 115% of ordinary hourly rate.

  • Night shift: Shifts starting at or after 8.00 pm and before 6.00 am are paid at 115% of ordinary hourly rate.

  • Permanent night shifts are paid at 130% of ordinary hourly rates.

  • Less than five successive shifts worked in a week are paid at 150% of ordinary hourly rates.


17.2 (k)


  • Saturdays are paid at 150% of ordinary hourly rate.

  • Sundays are paid at 200% of ordinary hourly rate.

Work during meal break—day workers.

29.6 (a).

Paid at 200% of ordinary hourly rate.

Work during RDO.


Day work: Paid Saturday penalty rates.

Shiftwork: Paid at overtime rates for all hours worked. 

Work Conditions
  Clause Conditions
Auto meal break.



Day workers receive a 30-minute unpaid meal break after five hours of work, automatically deducted from hours worked.

Shift workers should receive a 30-minute ‌meal break, counted as time worked.

Break Between Shifts.

29.8 (d)

Where employees have worked without having had ten or eight consecutive hours off duty would be paid at 200% of ordinary hourly rate.

Higher duties. 19.10

Where employees work more than two hours on a higher classification, they would be paid the higher rate for the whole day.

Otherwise, employees are paid the higher rate for time worked only.

Higher of Annual leave. 31.2 (c)

Shiftworker: Employees would receive a 17.5% annual leave loading, or the penalty loading had they not been on leave - whichever is higher.

Inclement weather.



  • Concrete pour are paid at 200% of ordinary hourly rate

  • Not able to perform work are paid at base rate

Minimum shift engagement.



  • Casual: Minimum four hours 

  • Saturday: Minimum three hours (day worker)

  • Sunday/PH: Minimum four hours (day worker)

Presenting for work but not required.


Permanent: Minimum eight hours base rate

Casual: N/A 

Recall to work overtime.

17.2 (o)

30.1 (e)


  • Minimum three hours

  • Shiftworker: Monday-Sunday: paid at 200% of ordinary hourly rate for each occasion

  • Public holiday: Paid at 250% of ordinary hourly rate

  • Day worker: Paid at overtime rates

Travelling time.

25.6 (a) and (b).

  • 25.6 (a) and (b)

    Payment at the minimum hourly rate (including any relevant all-purpose allowance) for travel time from the transport terminal to work. Maximum payment of eight hours per day, for forward and return journey

Special notes

  • Please make sure to assign the tags for the appropriate Tool allowance.
  • For employees who accrue and have the tag RDO, leave requests must be applied in the timesheets to ensure the RDO deduction applies correctly via rules.
  • Categories (work types, tags, pay categories) that have been marked with an (*asterisk) are no longer used in rules. It still remains visible in the platform for auditing/reporting purposes.
  • The RDO accrual rule does not function effectively when an employee worked and took partial leave on the same day and will require manual intervention.

Work types

Work types are a description of the kind of shift you are working, and you select them when you record a timesheet. The following is a list of work types employees can select on their timesheet, and the meaning of each item.

A - F
Annual Leave Taken. Choose this work type when annual leave is taken.
Compassionate Leave Taken. Choose this work type when compassionate leave is taken.
Distant work. Choose this work type for distant work.
G - L
Inclement weather. Choose this work type for inclement weather.
Inclement weather - concrete pour. Choose this work type for inclement weather - concrete pour.
Leave Without Pay Taken Choose this work type when any unpaid leave is taken.
Living away from home - daily fares. Choose this work type for living away from home - daily fares.
Living away from home - not required to live in a camp. Choose this work type for living away from home - not required to live in a camp.
Long Service Leave Taken. Choose this work type when any unpaid leave is taken.
M - R
Meal Allowance - not distant job/no meal provided. Choose this work type if you require a meal allowance.
No rest period after overtime Choose this work type if an employee works extensive overtime and has not had a minimum of 10 consecutive hours off duty between shifts to ensure any hours are paid at 200% of the ordinary hourly rate.
Paid Community Service Leave Taken Choose this work type when community service leave is taken.
Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave Taken. Choose this work type when paid family and domestic violence leave is taken.
Personal/Carer's Leave Taken. Choose this work type when personal and/or carer's leave is taken.
Presenting for work but not required. Choose this work type for presenting for work but not required.
Public Holiday not worked. Choose this work type where a Permanent employee is not required to work on a shift falling on a gazetted public holiday that the employee would have otherwise worked, had it not been a public holiday.
Recalled to work overtime. Choose this work type for recalled to work.
Rostered Day Off. Choose this work type when rostered day off is taken
S - Z
Time In Lieu Taken. Choose this work type when time in lieu is taken.
TIL Accrual. Choose this work type if the employee elects to accrue time in lieu of being paid overtime for a shift.
Travel time. Choose this work type for travel time.
Travelling cost of transport/transporting tools - return journey. Choose this work type for travelling cost of transport/transporting tools - return journey.
Travelling meal - forward/return journey. Choose this work type for Travelling meal - forward/return journey.
Underground allowance. Choose this work type when doing underground work.
Vehicle Allowance per km. Choose this work type to claim vehicle allowance.
Weekend return home. Choose this work type for weekend return home.
Work during RDO. Choose this work type when working during RDO.
Work during meal breaks. Choose this work type when working during meal breaks. Applies to day worker.

Shift conditions

Shift Conditions are further details you can add to a shift where more than one condition applies to your shift. Shift conditions are selected when you edit a timesheet record, or when clocking on using the ClockMeIn Time and Attendance or Swag apps. The following is a list of Shift Conditions employees can select on their timesheet, and the meaning of each item.

A - F
Camp meal per day - no meal provided. Select this shift condition to claim daily meal allowance while in camp.
Camp meal per week - no meal provided. Select this shift condition to claim weekly meal allowance while in camp.
Daily fares allowance. Select this shift condition when an employee is required to work on a construction site/on-site.
M - R
Multistorey allowance - 16th to 30th floor level. Select this shift condition to claim multistorey allowance - 16th to 30th floor level.
Multistorey allowance - 31st to 45th floor level. Select this shift condition to claim multistorey allowance - 31st to 45th floor level.
Multistorey allowance - 46th to 60th floor level. Select this shift condition to claim multistorey allowance - 46th to 60th floor level.
Multistorey allowance - 61st floor level onwards. Select this shift condition to claim multistorey allowance - 61st floor level onwards.
Multistorey allowance - buildings or structures (including towers) over 15 metres high without regular storey levels. Select this shift condition to claim multistorey allowance - buildings or structures (including towers) over 15 metres high without regular storey levels.
Multistorey allowance - commencement of building to 15th floor level. Select this shift condition to claim multistorey allowance - commencement of building to 15th floor level.
S - Z
Service cores allowance - more than 15 metres above the highest point of the main structure - 16th to 30th floor level. Select this shift condition to claim service cores allowance - more than 15 metres above the highest point of the main structure - 16th to 30th floor level.
Service cores allowance - more than 15 metres above the highest point of the main structure - 31st to 45th floor level. Select this shift condition to claim service cores allowance - more than 15 metres above the highest point of the main structure - 31st to 45th floor level.
Service cores allowance - more than 15 metres above the highest point of the main structure - 46th to 60th floor level. Select this shift condition to claim service cores allowance - more than 15 metres above the highest point of the main structure - 46th to 60th floor level.
Service cores allowance - more than 15 metres above the highest point of the main structure - 61st floor level onwards. Select this shift condition to claim service cores allowance - more than 15 metres above the highest point of the main structure - 61st floor level onwards.
Service cores allowance - more than 15 metres above the highest point of the main structure - commencement of building to 15th floor level. Select this shift condition to claim service cores allowance - more than 15 metres above the highest point of the main structure - commencement of building to 15th floor level.


Employee Tags are specific conditions typically related to the employee’s agreement. These are often conditions negotiated and agreed between the employer and the employee, or unique characteristics of the employee’s role. Payment of these provisions is usually of a recurring and ongoing nature.

A - F
Air-conditioning industry and refrigeration industry allowances. Assign this tag to an employee engaged as air-conditioning tradesperson and a refrigeration mechanic.
Carpenter-driver. Assign this tag to an employee engaged as carpernter-driver.
Daily hire. Assign this tag to a daily-hire employee.
Electrician’s licence allowance. Assign this tag to an employee engaged and working as an electrical tradesperson and who holds an appropriate electrician’s licence.
First aid - higher than minimum qualifications. Assign this tag to an employee who holds a higher first aid certificate.
First aid - minimum qualifications. Assign this tag to an employee who holds the minimum qualifications for a first aid certificate
G - L
In charge of plant. Assign this tag to an employee who is in charge of the plant.
Laser safety officer. Assign this tag to an employee appointed by the employer to carry out the duties of a laser safety officer.
Leading hand - 1 person. Assign this tag to an employee appointed to be a leading hand in charge of one person.
Leading hand allowance - 2 to 5 persons. Assign this tag to an employee appointed to be a leading hand in charge of 2 to 5 persons.
Leading hand allowance - 6 to 10 persons. Assign this tag to an employee appointed to be a leading hand in charge of 6 to 10 persons.
Leading hand allowance - more than 10 persons. Assign this tag to an employee appointed to be a leading hand in charge of more than ten persons
Lift Industry Allowance Assign this tag to an employee who perform work in the lift industry
M - R
Mobile cranes. Assign this tag to an employee required to get an additional 40 tonnes over a maximum lifting capacity of 100 tonnes.
Operator employee. Assign this tag to an operator's employee.
Permanent night shift. Assign this tag to an employee who works on a night shift which does not rotate or alternate with another shift or with day work.
RDO. Assign this tag to an employee if they accrue RDO.
S - Z
Tool allowance - Caster fixer floorlayer specialist or plasterer. Assign this tag to an employee engaged as caster, fixer, floorlayer specialist, or plasterer.
Tool allowance - others. Assign this tag to an employee engaged as artificial stoneworker, carpenter and/or joiner, carpenter-diver, carver, bridge and wharf carpenter, floor sander, letter cutter, marble and slate worker, stonemason or tile layer.
Tool allowance - Refractory bricklayer or bricklayer. Assign tag to an employee engaged as refractory bricklayer or bricklayer
Tool allowance - Signwriter painter or glazier Assign this tag to an employee engaged as a signwriter, painter, or glazier.

System limitations

Please note that rules will not be able to interpret or calculate the below clauses due to platform limitations and will require manual intervention. 

Clause 16.5 (a) RDO banking

The number of accrued RDOs banked must not exceed five at any time.

Clause 24.8 Inclement Weather

If an employee starts employment during a 4-week period, the employee will be credited with:

  • Thirty-two hours where the employee starts on any working day within the first week;
  • Twenty-four hours where the employee starts on any working day within the second week;
  • Sixteen hours where the employee starts on any working day within the third week; and
  • Eight hours where the employee starts on any working day within the 4th week of any 4-week period.

Clause 29.13 (g) and (h) Time off Instead of Payment for Overtime

If the employee requests at any time, to be paid for overtime covered by an agreement under clause 29.13 but not taken as time off, the employer must pay the employee for the overtime, in the next pay period following the request, at the overtime rate applicable to the overtime when worked.

If time off for overtime that has been worked is not taken within the period of six months mentioned in clause 29.13(f), the employer must pay the employee for the overtime, in the next pay period following those six months, at the overtime rate applicable to the overtime when worked.

Clause 25.6 (a) and (b) Travelling Time

25.6 (a) and (b) Maximum payment of eight hours per day. There is no cap on the maximum units entered.

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