Restaurant Industry Award 2020 (MA000119)

This article provides guidelines about when to use the different work types and tags that are included as part of the pre-built Retail award packages. For further information about the general retail industry award, refer to the Restaurant Industry award.

Key updates

  Select the current financial year tab to see award updates for the 2024/25 financial year, while all previous updates before this time you can find in the historical financial years tab.

Current financial year Historical financial years
January 2025


We have updated the award to offer two options for managing Sunday work, aiming to address issues with pay categories and tags, particularly when employees work at a higher classification level.

Here’s the summary of the key changes:

  • We've introduced the "Casual L3 and above" tag to the casual ruleset
  • We've updated the following stand-alone pay categories on all pay rate templates
    • Casual Sunday
    • Casual - No break Sunday
  • We've marked the "Casual - No break Sunday overtime" with an asterisk (*) and disabled it in all pay rate templates.

For detailed information on the changes, please refer to our guide here.

September 2024


Schedule R Award flexibility for COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery has ceased operation.

The "COVID-19 Not Worked" and "Unpaid Pandemic Leave" work type is now marked with an (*) asterisk to indicate that it is no longer in use. All usage of this work type within all rule sets have been removed. 

August 2024


We have added two new rules "24.1 Sunday - Intro to L2 (Working higher duties)" and "16.5 No Meal Break Sun - Intro to L2 (Working higher duties)" for Casual Restaurant where employees classified as Introductory level, Level 1 or Level 2 will be paid correct higher classification on a Sunday.

We have also introduced a new worktype called "Intro - L2 Sunday higher duties" to ensure that employees who are classified as Introductory level or Level 1 receive the correct rates when working higher classification up to Level 2.


July 2024


Per clause 30.3 additional public holiday arrangements for full-time employees, Fair Work has clarified that the "extra day's pay" is not subject to penalty rates and leave entitlements, and should be excluded from calculating period overtime. The relevant rules under the Permanent Restaurant (excluding shift workers) rule set have been updated to reflect this change. We've also updated the interpretation for the accrual of an "additional day's annual leave" to avoid double accrual and on top of penalty rates.

We have updated the rule of "Minimum Engagement - Public Holiday" for Permanent Restaurant (excluding shift workers) where the hours work from continuous shift will be paid for actual hours worked during a public holiday.


We have updated the award to reflect the Fair Work Commission's National Minimum Wage increase detailed in the Annual Wage Review 2023-24 decision and also includes updates to expense-related allowances. You can find more information on the Determinations here and here.

These changes come into effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1st July 2024. Please install these updates after you have finalised your last pay run before the first full pay period beginning on or after the 1st July 2024.

We have also updated the award to incorporate the following adjustments:

  • Revised the pay condition rule sets to include a provision for Paid Family Domestic Violence Leave
  • Corrected the penalty rate for Permanent - No Break Public Holiday overtime pay category
  • Introduced No Leave Loading Leave allowance templates for Annualised Wages
  • Marked the Permanent - Ordinary Hours (Exemption Rate) and its associated pay categories with an (*) asterisk to indicate they are no longer in use.

Installing the pre-built award package

To read details on how to install and configure this Pre-built Award Template, please review the following article. Before relying on the award information, users should carefully evaluate its accuracy, currency, completeness, and relevance for their purposes. You should also obtain appropriate professional advice.

Special Notes

  • Categories (work types, pay categories) that have been marked with an (*asterisk) are no longer used in rules. It remains visible in the platform for auditing/reporting purposes.
  • Work on a Sunday - choose one of the two options on how to manage work on a Sunday. Please refer to our guide here.
    • No tag
    • With tag

Work types

The following lists out and explains the work types an employee can select on their timesheet.

A - F
Annual leave taken

Choose this work type when annual leave is taken.

Carer's leave taken

Choose this work type when carer’s leave is taken.

Compassionate leave taken

Choose this work type when compassionate leave is taken.

COVID-19 not worked

Use this work type when an employee's ordinary hours have been reduced during the coronavirus outbreak and they are not working.

G - L
Intro - L2 Sunday higher duties Choose this work type for employees classified as Introductory or Level 1 who are performing higher duties up to Level 2 on Sundays
Leading hand (1-4 employees) Choose this work type for a leading hand in charge of 1-4 employees, except an employee engaged in the grade 5 classification for this shift.
Leading hand (5-10 employees) Choose this work type for a leading hand in charge of 5-10 employees, except an employee engaged in the grade 5 classification for this shift.
Long service leave taken

Choose this work type when long-service leave is taken

M - R
No break Choose this work type for an employee who does not take a break during their shift.
Rostered day off worked Normally, meal breaks are automatically added for shifts over 5h30m. Use this work type to indicate that no meal break was taken during the shift.
Public holiday not worked Choose this work type where employees are not required to work on a gazetted public holiday.
Public holiday rostered day off - annual leave accrual Choose this work type where a full time employee's rostered day off falls on a public holiday and the employee chooses to accrue annual leave in accordance with clause 38.2(c) of the Restaurant Industry award.
Public holiday rostered day off - pay extra day Choose this work type where a full time employee's rostered day off falls on a public holiday and the employee chooses to be paid an extra day's pay in accordance with clause 38.2(a) of the Restaurant Industry award.
S - Z
Sick leave taken

Choose this work type when sick leave is taken.

Tool allowance Choose this work type for shifts where a cook or apprentice cook is required to use their own tools. Refer to section 24.3(a) of the Restaurant Industry award.
Two hours + overtime worked An employee that was required to work more than 2 hours of overtime without being notified the previous day or earlier and is not provided with a meal should add 1 unit of this allowance to their shift. Refer section 20.1(a) of the Restaurant Industry award.
Two hours + overtime worked (no prior notice to employee) An employee that was required to work more than 2 hours of overtime without being notified the previous day or earlier and is not provided with a meal should add 1 unit of this allowance to their shift. Refer section 20.1(a) of the Restaurant Industry award.
Unpaid leave taken Choose this work type when unpaid leave is taken.


The following tags are available for application to employees under the Restaurant Industry Award.

A - F
Casual Intro to L2 Assign this tag to employees who are classified as Introductory level, Level 1 or Level 2 to ensure they receive the correct rates.
Casual L3 and above Assign this tag to casual employees working Level 3 and above
S - Z
Substitute allowance Assign this tag to an employee’s profile where an agreement has been made to pay a Substitute Allowance per Clause R.5 of the award.
Time in lieu of overtime Assign this tag if the employee elects to always accrue time in lieu rather than be paid overtime.
Tool allowance Assign this tag to any cook or apprentice cook required to use their own tools. Refer to section 24.3(a) of the Restaurant Industry award. This will then automate the payment of the tool allowance without the need to use a work type.
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