Sometimes, you have to reverse wages or overpayments due to different circumstances. This article outlines all the steps you have to take to complete this process. We will also look at how to adjust PAYG, super, and leave balances.
Interactive learning
What you need to do
- Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
- Click the Pay Runs (hand icon) menu on the side bar.
- Click the New Pay Run button.
- Complete the following fields:
- Pay schedule.
- Pay period ending.
- Date pay run will be paid.
- Click the Manually Add Employees to this Pay Run checkbox.
- Click the Create Pay Run with Empty Pays checkbox.
- Click the Create button.
- Click the Actions tab.
- Click the Pay Run Actions dropdown button.
- Click Add Employees.
- Click the Select Employee field.
- Type the name of the employee you need.
- Click their name to select them.
- Click the Add Employee button.
Helpful Hint
A small green tag that says "Employee Added" will appear.
- Click the Close button.
- Back on your pay run, click the name of the employee you need.
- Click the Actions button.
- Click Add Earnings.
- Choose the pay category you need.
- Complete the other fields as needed.
- Enter the amount as negative.
Helpful Hint
You can do this by putting a minus "-" sign before the number. For example, you need to reverse $50 worth of wages from an employee. In the Rate field, you have to put -50 instead of just 50.
- Click the Save button.
- Depending on what you need to do next, please click the correct item below:
- Adjust PAYG and Super.
- Adjust Leave.
- Finalise Pay Run - Go here if you do not need to adjust anything else.
Adjust PAYG and Super
The platform will not automatically calculate PAYG and super, so you have to calculate them. To adjust these two, please follow the steps below:
- Click the Actions button.
- Click Adjust PAYG.
- Write a note if needed, and enter the PAYG amount to be adjusted.
- Click the Save button.
- Then, click the Actions button.
- Click Adjust Super.
- Choose the correct super type, write a note if needed, and enter the super amount to be adjusted.
- Click the Save button.
- If you need to adjust leave, please go to the Adjust Leave section of this article.
- If you are done, please go to the Finalise Pay Run section.
Adjust Leave
You can also adjust leave balances in this pay run. To do this, following these steps:
- Click the Actions button.
- Click Adjust Leave.
- Choose the correct leave category, and write a note if needed.
- Enter the leave amount.
Put a negative number to reduce the employee's leave balance. This means you have to put a minus sign (e.g. -5, -1).
Otherwise, put a positive number to increase their leave balance (e.g. 4, 2).
- Click the Save button.
Helpful Hint
You need to perform Steps 32-36 for each leave category that was accrued in the original pay run.
- If you are done, please go to the Finalise Pay Run section.
Finalise Pay Run
The last step in reversing wages and overpayments is finalising the pay run.
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