Employee Portal and Employment Hero Work - Configure & Grant Access

You can grant your employees access to the employee self service (ESS) portal (this will, in turn, also grant them access to the Swag app) as well as configure the settings that will be available to your employees when they log in to the ESS portal and Swag. 

To do this, follow these steps: 

  1. Go to payroll settings > employee portal settings
  2. Under the settings tab, you will be presented with the below options. Tick each option according to the permissions you would like to grant your employees.

    NB: There are a couple of differences with what an employee can edit in the Swag app when the below setting is selected:
    Employees can edit their own bank accounts: The Bank Accounts section in the employee's profile of the Swag app is not editable


  3. The next section relates to configuring the level of access an employee has in reference to timesheets. These settings apply for when an employee is logged in to their employee portal and/or Swag. 


    The full list of options are:
    - Not access timesheets. Employees will have no access to view timesheets.
    - View their own timesheets. Employees can view all their timesheets but cannot edit them.
    - Only edit their own timesheets. Employees can only create and edit timesheets created via their employee portal or Swag app. They cannot edit timesheets created via the kiosk, Clock Me In or the clock in/out functionality within the Swag app.
    - Only edit timesheets created via the kiosk. Employees can view all their timesheets however can only edit timesheets generated from the Kiosk or Clock Me In. They will not be able to create timesheets via the employee portal or Swag. They can however still use the clock in/out functionality in Swag if this setting has been selected (explained further below).
    - Only edit Swag clock in/out timesheets. Employees can only create and edit timesheets generated from clocking in and out of Swag. Employees will not be able to create timesheets via the employee portal or add timesheets via other means in Swag.
    - Only edit timesheets created via the kiosk or Swag clock in/out. Employees can only create and edit timesheets generated from clocking in and out of Swag, the kiosk and/or Clock Me In. Employees will not be able to create timesheets via the employee portal or add timesheets via other means in Swag.
    - Create and edit all timesheets. Employees will be able to create and edit all timesheets, whether generated from the employee portal, Swag, kiosk and/or Clock Me In.

  4. The next section relates to clocking in and out using Swag. 
    NB: an employee will need to be enabled to use timesheets in order to be able to clock in/out via Swag. This can be done from the employee file > Pay Run Defaults page > select either of the following options - 'Use timesheets to submit all time worked' or 'Use timesheets for exceptions only


    If the clock in/out functionality is activated an additional list of settings will appear (as shown above). They are:
    - Capture employee photo when clocking in/out. Employees would be required to take a photo as part of the clock in/out process when starting/ending work as well as taking breaks. An employee will not be able to complete the clock in/out unless the photo has been captured.
    - Allow employees to apply rostered start/finish times when clocking in/out. This setting relates to giving the employees the option of using their rostered start/stop times as their clock in/out times rather than the time they actually clocked on. For example, if an employee's rostered start time is at 9am but they have clocked in early at 8.50am they can choose to select the 9am start instead. The option will only appear if the employee clocks in/out within the timeframes defined as part of this setting, hence the sub-settings "Employees can apply the rostered start time up to  'x' minutes before their shift is due to start" and "Employees can apply the rostered end time up to 'x' minutes after their shift ends". Using the example above where the option will appear within 30 minutes of the employee's rostered time, an employee's shift will commence at 8.30am however they clock in at 8.14am. Their rostered details will appear on the screen as follows:


    When they tap on "Continue" they will be given the option of clocking in using their actual clock in time or their rostered time. 


    - Send employee reminder notifications. This setting will activate sending a push notification to an employee if they have not yet clocked out 'x' minutes after their rostered end time.

  5. The final setting is regarding notifications sent to employees when their personal or bank account details are updated. If this is enabled, (and the employee has portal access) an email notification will be sent to the employee with a link to the portal to log in and look at the changes (there are no specifics about the changes in the email). In addition,  a Swag push notification will be sent to the employee's device IF the employee is logged into Swag. If the Employee Portal Setting "Send employees a notification when their personal, bank account or CPF details are updated" is NOT enabled the employee won't receive an email or a push notification. 


Once you have finalised the employee portal settings, click on the "Access" tab on the top of the screen. This will allow you to grant bulk portal access to your staff. 

By default, a list of all your active employees will be displayed.  You will then be presented with a list of your employees. Using the tick boxes to the left of the employees name, you can individually grant the employee access to the employee portal. To bulk grant access, click on the checkbox to the left of "Name" at the top of the table. This will select all employees eligible for portal access.


You can also revoke access, either individually or in bulk, from this screen. Follow the same instructions as per granting access, however click on "Revoke Access".

From this screen, you will also be able to identify any employees who are yet to provide their email address. These employees will be unable to be granted employee portal access until an email address is supplied. You can add and/or edit an employee's email address from this screen by clicking on the pencil icon within the "Email" column.

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