Re-activating an Employee

If a previously terminated employee resumes work for the same business you are able to simply reactivate their Employee File rather than having to create a new one. 

To reactivate an employee simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to the payroll dashboard, and set the employee view to 'All Employees'
  2. You can then type in the employees name to find them, or select them from the employee list
  3. You will then be directed to the Employee Details page. All you need to do is scroll down to the bottom and click the 'Re-activate Employee' button:


    You will be prompted to confirm this action:


  4. Once activated, the employee will then be eligible for pay runs again.
  5. If the employee has changed employment type, e.g. full time > part time, there are a couple of places in the employee's Employee record that you will need to make an adjustment:
  • In the Employee File -> NRIC page - change the employment type
  • In the Employee File -> Pay Run Defaults page - change the Primary Pay Category if necessary (you might like to check the employee's leave allowance page as well)

If you have any other queries please contact us on

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