Importing Employees from an XLSX or CSV file is a great way to get set up and running quickly.
It is also a handy way to perform bulk updates of employee data. Please be aware if your business has over 200 locations configured, the export feature will not automatically apply a lookup table to relevant data. You can find the Import Employees feature in the menu under the 'Add Employee' tab:
The best way to get started is by exporting the XLSX or CSV template file, adding data to it and then re-importing it. To export the template, click the 'Export' button and then click on the down arrow to choose an empty template; then choose whether you want to work with an XLSX or CSV Template.
This file contains the column headers for the import. You simply need to add a row for each employee that you wish to import. Once you have finished editing the XLSX or CSV file, you can upload it by clicking the "Select File…" button.
Take note of the setting Automatically create missing locations. Selecting this means that any location names listed in the PrimaryLocation and Locations column in the import that are not already set up in the platform, will automatically be created. If this setting is not selected, there will be an import error if there are location names contained in the import not already created in the platform. Once you select your file, click on "Confirm Upload" and the import will begin.
When the import is complete, the results will be displayed on the screen advising the status of each employee updated.
File Specification
There are quite a few fields in the file however, they are broken into sections as shown below and not all sections are mandatory.
Core DataNOTE: either NRIC/FIN or First Name+Surname+Date of birth must be present in the file to uniquely identify the employee |
NRIC Details |
Field Name | Data Type | Notes |
EmployeeId | Number |
Must stay blank for new employees as the system will auto generate the next available unique number. N.B. If an external Id is used that has been used before you won't be able to save it if the 'unique external Id' setting is switched on. This setting is located on the Payroll settings > Advanced settings page. See here for more information. |
Title | Drop down | Valid values: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr |
PreferredName | Text | |
FirstName | Text | Mandatory field |
MiddleName | Text | |
Surname | Text | Mandatory field |
Legal name | Text |
Optional field Legal name will be used to populate the Statutory reports/forms. If Legal name field is blank then the employee's First name and Surname will be used. |
DateOfBirth | Date | |
Gender | Text |
Mandatory field Valid values: Male, Female |
ExternalId | Text | Can be the Id of the employee in another system (eg: HR) |
ResidentialAddressType | Drop down |
Options: Foreign address, Local C/O address, Local residential address |
ResidentialBlockNumber | Text |
Only applicable if local residential or local C/O address type. Mandatory field for these address types |
ResidentialLevelNumber | Number |
Only applicable if local residential or local C/O address type. Mandatory field if the ResidentialUnitNumber is entered |
ResidentialUnitNumber | Number |
Only applicable if local residential or local C/O address type. Mandatory field if the ResidentialLevelNumber is entered |
ResidentialStreetName | Text |
Only applicable if local residential or local C/O address type. Mandatory field for these address types |
ResidentialAddressLine1 | Text | Only applicable if foreign address type. Mandatory field for this address type |
ResidentialAddressLine2 | Text | Only applicable if foreign address type |
ResidentialAddressLine3 | Text | Only applicable if foreign address type |
ResidentialPostcode | Number | Mandatory field if local residential or local C/O address type |
ResidentialCountry | Text | Only applicable if foreign address type. Mandatory field for this address type |
PostalAddressType | Drop down | Options: Foreign address, Local C/O address, Local residential address |
PostalBlockNumber | Text | Only applicable if local residential or local C/O address type. Mandatory field for these address types |
PostalLevelNumber | Number |
Only applicable if local residential or local C/O address type. Mandatory field if the PostalUnitNumber is entered |
PostalUnitNumber | Number |
Only applicable if local residential or local C/O address type. Mandatory field if the PostalLevelNumber is entered |
PostalStreetName | Text |
Only applicable if local residential or local C/O address type. Mandatory field for these address types |
PostalAddressLine1 | Text | Only applicable if foreign address type. Mandatory field for this address type |
PostalAddressLine2 | Text | Only applicable if foreign address type |
PostalAddressLine3 | Text | Only applicable if foreign address type |
PostalPostcode | Number | Mandatory field if local residential or local C/O address type |
PostalCountry | Text | Only applicable if foreign address type. Mandatory field for this address type |
JobTitle | Text | |
EmailAddress | Text | Mandatory field |
HomePhone | Number | |
WorkPhone | Number | |
MobilePhone | Number | |
StartDate | Date | Mandatory field |
EndDate | Date | Date that employment was terminated (if employee has ceased employment) |
AnniversaryDate | Date | eg: the date the employee received their qualifications |
TerminationReason | Text | This field contains a pre-determined drop down list. This field can only be used if the EndDate field has been completed |
Tags | Text | Pipe (‘|’) separated list of tags associated with this employee |
Field Name | Data Type | Notes |
EmployingEntityUEN | Number | You cannot change an employee's employing entity using this import file. Rather, you can find instructions on how to do this from here. You can set the employing entity for new employees |
NRICNumber | Number | Mandatory field. The following identification numbers will be accepted: National Registration Identity Card (NRIC), Foreign Identification Number (FIN), Immigration File Reference Number, Work Permit Number, Malaysian Identification Card or Passport Number |
NRICExpiryDate | Date | Only needed if FIN provided |
EmploymentType | Drop down | Options: Full time / Part time |
Nationality | Text | |
Religion | Text | |
Ethnicity | Text | |
LegalStatus | Drop down | Options: Citizen / Permanent resident / Tax resident / Foreigner |
ObtainedResidencyDate | Date | Only needed if employee is 'Permanent resident' |
CoveredByEmploymentAct | Drop down | Options: Yes / Yes, excluding part 4 / No |
EmployeeGroup | Drop down | Options: Private sector / Non-pensionable government / Pensionable government |
ApplyFullCpfRate | Drop Down |
Options: Partial (graduated) employer and employee / Full employer and employee / Full employer and partial employee Only applicable to permanent residents, if no selection made 'Partial' rates will apply during the first 2 years of obtaining residency. |
SdlExempt | Drop Down |
Options: True / False |
CpfExempt | Drop Down |
Options: True / False |
Pay Run Setup |
Field Name | Data Type | Notes |
PaySchedule | Drop down | Corresponds to the name of a Pay Schedule that you have already created. For example ‘Monthly’ |
PrimaryPayCategory | Drop down | Corresponds to the name of a Pay Category that you have already created. For example ‘Full Time – Salary’ |
PrimaryLocation | Drop down | Corresponds to the fully qualified name of a Location that you have already created. See below for details on Fully Qualified Locations. |
PaySlipNotificationType | Drop down | Options: Email, SMS, Manual, None |
Rate | Number | How much is the employee paid (may be specified as a ‘per Month’ or ‘per Annum’ value) |
RateUnit | Drop down | Options: Hourly, Monthly, Annually, Daily |
HoursPerWeek | Number | Standard number of hours per week for the employee |
HoursPerDay | Number | Standard number of hours worked per day for the employee. Value cannot be '0' |
AutomaticallyPayEmployee | Drop down |
Options: True / False Determines whether the employee's 'standard weekly hours' are automatically added as earnings lines to a new pay run |
TieredLeaveAllowanceTemplate | Drop down | Name of the Tiered Leave Allowance Template to apply to this employee |
LeaveTemplate | Drop down | Name of the Leave Allowance Template to apply to this employee |
PayRateTemplate | Drop down | Name of the Pay Rate Template to apply to this employee |
IsEnabledForTimesheets | Drop down | Valid values: Enabled, Disabled, EnabledForExceptions |
Locations | Text | Pipe (‘|’) separated list of Fully Qualified Locations that this employee works at |
WorkTypes | Text | Pipe (‘|’) separated list of Work Types to enable this employee to submit timesheets for |
Emergency Contacts |
Field Name | Data Type | Notes |
EmergencyContact1_Name | Text | |
EmergencyContact1_Relationship | Text | |
EmergencyContact1_Address | Text | |
EmergencyContact1_ContactNumber | Number | |
EmergencyContact1_AlternateContactNumber | Number | |
EmergencyContact2_Name | Text | |
EmergencyContact2_Relationship | Text | |
EmergencyContact2_Address | Text | |
EmergencyContact2_ContactNumber | Number | |
EmergencyContact2_AlternateContactNumber | Number | |
Bank Accounts
Field Name | Data Type | Notes |
BankAccount1_AccountName | Text | |
BankAccount1_BankSwift | Text | Up to 11 characters, validated to ensure number is valid and returns bank name for IRAS lodgement |
BankAccount1_BranchCode | Text |
Optional, 3-4 characters If not provided the system will use the account number and swift number provided to identify the branch code. If there are multiple possibilities for the branch code, the first one in the list will be used |
BankAccount1_AccountNumber | Number | Mandatory, up to 34 characters |
BankAccount1_AllocatedPercentage | Number | Use 100 to nominate remaining balance |
BankAccount1_FixedAmount | Number | Fixed dollar amount may be specified |
BankAccount2_AccountName | Text | |
BankAccount2_BankSwift | Text | Up to 11 characters, validated to ensure number is valid and returns bank name for IRAS lodgement |
BankAccount2_BranchCode | Text |
Optional, 3-4 characters If not provided the system will use the account number and swift number provided to identify the branch code. If there are multiple possibilities for the branch code, the first one in the list will be used |
BankAccount2_AccountNumber | Number | Mandatory, up to 34 characters |
BankAccount2_AllocatedPercentage | Number | Use 100 to nominate remaining balance |
BankAccount2_FixedAmount | Number | Fixed dollar amount may be specified |
BankAccount3_AccountName | Text | |
BankAccount3_BankSwift | Text |
Up to 11 characters, validated to ensure number is valid and returns bank name for IRAS lodgement |
BankAccount3_BranchCode | Text |
Optional, 3-4 characters If not provided the system will use the account number and swift number provided to identify the branch code. If there are multiple possibilities for the branch code, the first one in the list will be used |
BankAccount3_AccountNumber | Number | Mandatory, up to 34 characters |
BankAccount3_AllocatedPercentage | Number | Use 100 to nominate remaining balance |
BankAccount3_FixedAmount | Number | Fixed dollar amount may be specified |
Miscellaneous |
Field Name | Data Type | Notes |
RosteringNotificationChoices | Drop down | Options: Email, SMS, None |
LeaveAccrualStartDateType | Text | Options: LeaveAccrualStartDateType, SpecifiedDate |
LeaveYearStart | Date | A date should only be entered here if the LeaveAccrualStartDateType setting is set as 'SpecifiedDate'. Otherwise keep blank. |
LeaveAnniversarySetting | Drop down |
Options: Calendar Year Employee Start Date Specified Date Use Business Setting |
LeaveAnniversarySettingDate | Date |
A date should only be entered here if the LeaveAnniversarySetting is set as 'SpecifiedDate'. Otherwise keep blank. |
Minimum Required Fields
To setup an employee to be processed in a pay run the following fields are required as a minimum:
- NRICNumber
- FirstName
- Surname
- DateOfBirth
- ResidentialAddressType
- ResidentialBlockNumber
- ResidentialLevelNumber
- ResidentialUnitNumber
- ResidentialStreetName
- PostalAddressType
- PostalBlockNumber
- PostalLevelNumber
- PostalUnitNumber
- PostalStreetName
- StartDate
- EmploymentType
- PaySchedule
- PrimaryPayCategory
- PrimaryLocation
- PaySlipNotificationType
- Rate
- RateUnit
- HoursPerWeek
- BankAccount1_SWIFT
- BankAccount1_AccountNumber
- BankAccount1_AccountName
- BankAccount1_AllocatedPercentage
Once an employee is set up in the system, import files may contain a smaller subset of fields but the following must always be included in order to be able to identify the employee to update:
- NRIC Number
- First Name
- Surname
- Date of Birth
Fully Qualified Locations
Since locations may be nested, When importing from the CSV file, it is important to specify the Fully Qualified Location. For the following set of locations:
- All Offices
- Head Offices
- Sales
- Admin Offices
- HR
- Head Offices
The fully qualified location for ‘Sale’ would be All Offices / Head Offices / Sales
Deleting Data
If you want to use an import file to remove data from the employee records, in bulk, you'll need to use the value '(clear)' without the quotes in the appropriate field on your import file to remove it from the matching field on the employee record.
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