Setting up Recurring Employer Liabilities

Once you have created some employer liability categories (the tutorial can be found in Creating and Managing Employer Liability Categories), you can begin assigning these liabilities to employees as recurring employer liabilities, which will take effect every pay run.

To begin, go to the Employees tab on the payroll dashboard and once you have chosen an employee, click the Pay Run Inclusions tab in the 'Pay Run Settings' section on the left hand side of the screen. 

You will be taken to the following screen:


To add a new recurring employer liability, click the green Add button on the right of Employer Liabilities and complete the following details:

  1. Select the appropriate liability category from the drop down list.
  2. Enter the liability amount to be applied per pay run. You can choose to enter a fixed dollar amount, or a percentage of gross pay.
  3. Enter any notes if you want the employee to see them on their pay slip.
  4. Enter the date the liability is to commence.
  5. Choose when this liability should cease (a specific end date, never or once a particular dollar amount has been reached).
  6. Click on 'Save'.

An example of an Employer Liability is as follows:


Now, the next time you create a pay run that includes this employee, the employer liability will be automatically added.


If you wish to edit a recurring employer liability after it has been created, click on its name in the list of employer liabilities that has been assigned to this employee. You'll be able to edit any details of that liability (apart from the liability category).

If you wish to delete a recurring liability, click the red X on the right hand side of its entry.



Showing Employer Liabilities on the employee's pay slip

There are two pay slip related configurations options when setting up an employer liability but these are set against the employer liability categories that you set up under Payroll Settings i.e. they are a global setting.


Hide liability from pay slips: If ticked this will show the total value of the employer liability on the employee's pay slip.


Show total payments in pay slips: This will display the employee's total cumulative payments for this employer liability on their pay slips.

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