Timesheets - Enabling Services

The Timesheets settings page allows you to configure your business to receive timesheets from your employees. It allows your employees to enter their timesheet data through the Employee Self Service portal and managers to enter timesheets via the Employee Management portal. This functionality also includes the timesheet import option.

These settings can be accessed and updated by clicking on Payroll Settings > Timesheets (under the Business Management heading) 

Timesheet Services

The integrated timesheets option will be enabled by default. You can disable the timesheet integration from here by clicking on the disable option:


It will allow your employees to enter their timesheet data through the Employees Self Service Portal and the WorkZone app, and you can then configure the below general options for timesheets:

  • Require start/end times when entering timesheets: selecting this option means that employees can only create timesheets by entering start and finish times. If not selected, employees can choose between entering hours only or start/finish times when creating a timesheet. If the business is using pay conditions, we strongly suggest this option be ticked to ensure timesheets are interpreted correctly.
  • Require a work type when entering timesheets: this setting will be disabled if there are no work types set up in the business.
  • Require a location when entering timesheets: this setting forces users to select a location.
  • Include all timesheet notes in the pay run: any notes added by employees and admin users (that are set to visible) will appear in the earnings lines within the pay run. If the pay slip setting 'Show line notes' is selected, then the timesheet notes will also appear in the employee's pay slip.
  • Notify employees when their timesheets are rejected: this will send an email notification to the employee upon a manager rejecting an employee's timesheet. 
  • Managers can create timesheets for all employees that aren't enabled for timesheets: this means that even if the timesheet setting on an Employee file > Pay run defaults page is set to 'Do not use timesheets', managers will still be able to create timesheets for them if required. 
  • Automatically approve a timesheet that is identical to the rostered shift: This setting will enable the system to automatically approve a timesheet that exactly matches a rostered shift. Detailed information about this feature can be found here.

If you have any questions or feedback please let us know via support@yourpayroll.io.

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