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What Happens When an Employee Declines a Shift?

This article will go through the process of what happens from a managers point of view when an employee declines a shift. In order for an employee to be able to decline a shift, you need to give them access first (see here for details).

Step 1 - Employee declines shift

In the below example, the employee has received a notification of their shifts and has declined them:



Step 2 - Manager is notified

In order for a manager to be notified of a declined shift, they need to have notifications turned on (see here for instructions). Alternatively, they can log into the roster to view any unassigned shifts as when an employee declines a shift, it reverts to being unassigned. 

The below example is an email received by a manager (who has notifications turned on) after an employee has declined a shift. A manager will be notified via email when an employee declines a shift. They will not be notified via SMS:



Step 3 - Reassigning the shift

The manager will need to log into the payroll system and navigate to the rostering page to reassign the shift (see here for instructions). This has to be done from a browser/laptop. 



Declined shifts in the manager portal

Currently there is no notification from within the portal that an employee has declined a shift. The only indication is that there will be unassigned shifts showing in the roster:




The manager would need to check the app each morning (or their emails) for any declined shifts. And then login to your payroll platform to reassign the shift. 

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