EA Form Report

An EA form is a Yearly Remuneration Statement that includes your salary for the relevant basis year and is used for the filing of personal taxes to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB).

Generate the Form

  1. Click the Reports menu
  2. Locate Statutory reporting
  3. Select IRB - CP8A EA form (Statement of remuneration) MY_Reporting_ea_form.jpeg
  4. The EA form report allows you to generate the required data using the below filters/parameters:
  • Tax year
  • Pay Schedule
  • Employing Entity
  • Employee Default Location
  • Employee
  1. Click Search


Helpful Hint

The report is only generated for employees who had earnings during the relevant basis period.


  1. The on screen report contains the following data when the Search button is clicked:
  • Employee Name
  • IC No/Passport No
  • Pay Period
  • B - Gross Income
  • C - Pension & Others
  • D - Total Deductions
  • E - Contributions
  • F - Total Allowances


  1. When you have the right employees selected, click Actions.
  2. Select Generate EA Forms


Editing and Bulk Actions

Edit an individual

You can select the Actions buttons on each employee to edit individual details or download individual forms. 


  • Edit
  • Regenerate: If the employee has been included in additional pay runs and you need to update the data within the EA form, you can use the Regenerate button to do this.
  • Download: Download the individual form for this employee as a PDF.
  • Publish: Publishing the report allows the employee to view it within the Employee Self Service portal (ESS). Additionally, they will receive a notification depending on the settings on their Employee file > Pay run defaults page. 
  1. Click Edit.
  2. You can edit data to provide additional information such as details of payment for gross tips, awards, allowances, VOLA address details, adhoc items such as refunds amounts from an unapproved provident fund. 
  3. Click Save. ea_form_edit_employee.jpeg

Bulk Actions

  1. Select Generate EA Forms.
  2. You can then perform bulk actions for the forms.
  3. Click the Actions button at the top of the form. You will have the options to:EA_form_download_all.jpeg
  • Generate EA forms: This works the same way as the 'Search' button, which will display the on screen high level report with a status column. 
  • Regenerate EA forms:If the employee has been included in additional pay runs and you need to update the data within the EA form, you can use the 'Regenerate' button to do this;
  • Publish all:Once you have 'Saved' the report, you are then able to 'Publish'. Publishing all the report allows the employee to view it within the Employee Self Service portal (ESS). Additionally, they will receive a notification depending on the settings on their Employee file > Pay run defaults page. 
  • Unpublish all:If you have 'Publish all' EA forms and now wish to 'Unpublish all'. This will return the EA back to draft state. 
  • Notify all:Where you have 'Publish all' and wish to notify all employees that the EA form is available to access. 
  • Download excel:Exports data into excel format. 
  • Download all:Allows you to download the EA report as a PDF. Each employee form wil download in one combined PDF document. 

What is included in the EA Form report?

The listed items here are included data on the EA Form report:

  • B.1 (a) - Gross salary, wages or leave pay (incl. overtime)
  • B.1 (b) - Fees, commissions or bonuses
  • B.1 (c) - Gross tips, perquisites, awards/rewards or other allowances
  • B.1 (d) - Income tax borne by employer in respect of his employee
  • B.1 (e) - Employee Share Option Scheme (ESOS) benefit
  • B.1 (f) - Gratuity
  • B.3 - Benefits in kind
  • B.4 - Value of living accommodations 
  • B.5 - Refund from unapproved provident/ pension fund
  • B.6 - Compensation for loss of employment
  • C.1 - Pension
  • C.2 - Annuities or other periodical payments
  • D2 - CP 38 deduction
  • D3 - Zakat paid via salary deduction
  • D.4 (a) - Relief claim by employee via Form TP1
  • D.4 (b) - Zakat relief claim by employee via Form TP1
  • F - Tax exempt allowances / perquisites / gifts / benefits

NB: When you apply a payment classification to a deduction category, any deductions made using the deduction category will be reported in the relevant part of the employee's EA form



If you have any questions or feedback, contact us via support@yourpayroll.io.

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