For customers using custom rule sets, it may be necessary to disable certain rules if they are not applicable.
It is possible to disable rules, either for all employees using a particular rule set or for specific employees.
Disabling rules at the ruleset level
To disable rules for all employees using a particular rule set, please follow these steps:
- go into Payroll Settings for the business
- go to 'Rule Sets' under 'Pay Conditions'
- click on a rule set name
- click the box below 'Disabled Rules' and find the rule (or rules) that you wish to disable and click them.
- click 'Save'
That particular rule will no longer be evaluated for any employees linked to that rule set.
Disabling rules at the employee level
To disable rules at the employee level, it is first necessary to know the exact name of the rule that you wish to disable. This can be found either from the ‘Disabled Rules’ section discussed above, or via the Pay Conditions Tester tool.
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