Live View Report

The Live View report displays real-time clock-in activity generated via Clock Me In (CMI) and Swag. You can see the status of an employee's clocking activity, i.e. are they clocked in on a break, back from break or clocked out and a map location of all clocking activities. You can also see the work location and type chosen by an employee and any photos taken by an employee when they clock in.

Interactive demo

Click here for an interactive demo

Getting Started

Running a live view report
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Live View button.
    MY 1.jpg
  3. Click the Location drop-down and select the required location.

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see your Live View Report report on your screen.

    Showing the Live View report page.
Clocking out an employee
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Live View button.
    MY 1.jpg
  3. Click the Location drop-down and select the required location.
  4. Click ‌on the employee that needs clocking out.
  5. Click the Clock Out Employee button.
  6. Click the Clock Out button.
    Showing the Clock Out confirmation pop up.

Deleting data

Discarding a clock in shift
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Live View button.
    MY 1.jpg
  3. Click the Location drop-down and select the required location.
  4. Click ‌on the employee that needs clocking out.
  5. Click the Discard Shift button.
  6. Click the Discard Shift button.
    Showing the Discard Shift confirmation pop up.

Explore related content

  • Employee Pay Rates This feature lets you add an extra earnings line to an employee's payroll file. You can also set details like the pay category, the earnings per run, and the super rate.
  • Payroll Locations This feature allows you to add a new location. With the ability to specify its name, state, and general ledger code. The locations you add, and then assign to an employee, will enable you to report on the labour costs of each location.
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