Timesheets - Compare Rostered Shifts to Timesheets when approving

If you're using the employee rostering features you can easily compare the scheduled hours for an employee to their submitted timesheets.

To compare rostered hours to the actual hours entered in via the timesheets follow these steps:

  1. In the timesheet approval screen set the date range for the timesheets that you want to approve.

  2. If there are scheduled items available to compare with the timesheets, you will see the "Compare with Schedule" button


  3. Click the "Compare with roster" button and any differences between rostered and actual hours will be highlighted, with the rostered shift information in colour, and the timesheet information below it:


If an employee has been rostered onto a shift but has not submitted any timesheets for that shift, a 'missing timesheet' warning will display. The rostered shift information will be highlighted next to it. 

If you have any questions or comments let us know via support@yourpayroll.io

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