Bureau Dashboard - Bulk Update Salaries

The purpose of bulk actions or updates are to allow multiple / all businesses within a bureau to create efficiencies through reducing the amount of steps it takes to apply a specific action across multiple businesses. These include the same updates / changes that you would make to an individual client file, applied in bulk to multiple businesses.

The Bulk Update Salaries function enables you to update multiple salaries across a Bureau's client base.

Create Bulk Update
  1. To update salaries in bulk, start by going to Bureau Admin.
  2. Next select Bulk Actions.
  3. Click on the Bulk Updates button and from the drop down menu, select Salaries. bulk_salaried.jpg
  4. Here you can select the brand that you would like to work with from the drop down menu.
  5. Next, choose whether you want to update salaries using one of the following three options. These give you the option to choose to lift salaries from one amount to another.
  • Current annual salaries uplifted by a percentage. Enter the current annual salary and the percentage you wish to uplift it by. You only need to enter a value in the second field if you prefer.
  • Current annual salaries uplifted from a fixed amount to another fixed amount. Enter the current annual salary and the new annual salary. You only need to enter a value in the second field if you prefer.
  • Current hourly rates uplifted from a fixed amount to another fixed amount. Once you have selected you can see two fields; a Current hourly rate field and a New hourly rate field.You can either enter a value into both fields, or just into the New hourly rate field.



Helpful hints

  • It is optional to have a specific value entered in the Current Annual Salary field, or you can have no value at all (if you have no value at all it will bring all employees within the business/businesses into the update), or you can enter 0 which will show any employee with 0 as a pay rate.
  • The New Annual Salary is a mandatory field.
  • Please note: Only 'live' employees will be brought back into the list (i.e. no terminated ones).
  • Only those with per annum default pay rates, and only those who have not been set up using a pay template will be added.
  • Once you have entered a relevant figure of your choice in the New Annual Salary field you can then select whether this applies to all businesses or specific businesses:
  1. Apply the salary update with the following criteria Only update directors. (tick box yes or no).
  2. Select Default Location. (available if only one business has been selected)
  3. Choose any relevant Tags. (available if only one business has been selected)
  4. You can then select which businesses you want to apply this to. As this is a BULK update you may select multiple.  
  5. Click Preview.
  6. This shows all the employees with the new details that you have entered. It shows the business that they are employed in and also their current rate and their new rate. 
  7. Untick the check box if you do not want the update to apply to a certain employee.
  8. Enter the commencement date that you would like the update to apply from, and press save. When entering the commencement date it must be today or later, it cannot be a date in the past.
  9. If you enter a date which is mid-pay schedule the pay will be pro-rated.


  • We highly recommend that prior to you clicking the Bulk Update button and confirming the changes, that you download the update by clicking on the Download button. This produces an Excel spreadsheet which will be a record of the changes that you have made. If you make an incorrect change you then have the spreadsheet to refer back to which will show the previous rate before the change occurred. The Download will look similar to this:


  • It is also worth noting that if you select some of the employees and then save, this is only saved while you are still on the bulk salaries screen. If you go somewhere else then come back you will have to re-enter the search, the panel will then reload and it will be back to the default of all employees selected.


  1. Click Bulk Update when you are happy.
  2. Next you see a confirmation screen.
  3. Click Proceed in order for the changes to be applied.
  4. You will be returned to the Bulk Actions page.
Confirm Changes
  1. When you are on the Bulk Actions page, click on the number under Activities.
  2. It will take you to a panel to show the progress of changes (It may take a moment to update). salary_changes.jpg
  3. Click on the arrow next to an employee who has had changes made, it will take you to the business that the employee is associated with.
  4. When you go to the Employee Details, you can click on View upcoming rate changes.
  5. This will then open a new panel to the right hand side.
  6. In the upcoming rate changes panel, you can click on the pencil icon to expand the rate change and make or view changes.
  7. Click on the bin icon to delete the change completely, if required.
  8. When you make a change, it gets scheduled for updates on the hour but depending where the update is in the queue, it may not be immediate and can take 5-10 minutes past the hour, to update.
  9. You can view details of the change in the employee details audit report, see this article for more information about the report.
  10. Once the business side has been updated the new rate will show.
  11. The update will also show in the audit report once the update is complete.

If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know via support@yourpayroll.co.uk

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