Manage your awards


Understanding and following complex modern awards can be one of the biggest challenges facing small to medium businesses. Employment Hero has over forty-five modern awards built into the payroll platform, to make award interpretation easy.

The Manage Awards feature allows you to search for and then install the chosen award onto your payroll platform. This feature is also where you manage your installed awards, such as applying award updates, uninstalling the award if it is no longer relevant, and unlocking the data which will enable rule set customisation.

Install an award

  1. Click the Business Settings menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Manage Awards button.
  4. Use the search field to locate the required award and classification.
  5. Click the Install button. Award_1.jpeg
  6. Click the Install button. Award_2.jpeg
  7. Click the Accept button. Award_3.jpeg
  8. Once the Payroll platform has installed the chosen award and classification, you will see the below confirmation screen. Award_4.jpeg

Apply Award Update

A warning message will appear on your dashboard within the action items section if there is an award update to apply. 

  1. Click the Business Settings menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Manage Awards button.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the Apply Updates button. Award_5.jpeg
  6. Select Yes or No to the following questions:
    • Update rules sets.



    If you have changed the rule set period from the system default, updating an award will reset the rule set period back to the system default.


    Helpful Hint

    Select yes to this question, if you would like all the default rule sets assigned to this award updated. 


    • Preserve custom rule sets.



    Select yes to this question if you want your custom rule sets preserved, if you do not select yes, then the payroll platform will erase your custom rule set data.


    • Preserve disabled rules.



    Select yes to this question if you want your disabled rules preserved, if you do not select yes, then the payroll platform will enable the rule sets you had disabled.


    • Update pay rates.


    Helpful Hint

    Select yes to this question, if you want the system to update the pay rates for all employees linked to a pay rate template for this specific award. The system will only update rates that have changed. If you have overridden the rate for an employee linked to the award, these rates will not change, and the system will display a message if this is the case.


    • Re-apply leave allowance templates to linked employees.


    Helpful Hint

    Select yes to this question if you want any leave allowance templates updated as part of this award update.

  7. Click the Install button. Award_6.jpeg
  8. Click the Accept button.

Reinstall an Award

  1. Click the Business Settings menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Manage Awards button.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the Re-install button. Award_9.jpeg
  6. Select Yes or No to the following questions:
    • Update rules sets.


    If you have changed the rule set period from the system default, updating an award will reset the rule set period back to the system default.


    Helpful Hint

    Select yes to this question, if you would like all the default rule sets assigned to this award updated. 


    • Preserve custom rule sets.



    Select yes to this question if you want your custom rule sets preserved, if you do not select yes then the payroll platform will erase your custom rule set data.


    • Preserve disabled rules.



    Select yes to this question if you want your disabled rules preserved, if you do not select yes then the payroll platform will enable the rule sets you had disabled.


    • Update pay rates.


    Helpful Hint

    Select yes to this question, if you want the system to update the pay rates for all employees linked to a pay rate template for this specific award. The system will only update rates that have changed. If you have overridden the rate for an employee linked to the award, these rates will not change, and the system will display a message if this is the case.


    • Re-apply leave allowance templates to linked employees.

    Helpful Hint

    Select yes to this question if you want any leave allowance templates updated as part of this award update.


  7. Click the Install button. Award_10.jpeg
  8. Click the Accept button.


Uninstall Award

  1. Click the Business Settings menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Manage Awards button.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the Uninstall button. Award_13.jpeg
  6. Click the Uninstall button. Award_14.jpeg

Lock Award Rules

  1. Click the Business Settings menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Manage Awards button.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the Lock Rules button. Award_15.jpeg

Unlock Award Rules

  1. Click the Business Settings menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Manage Awards button.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the Unlock Rules button.Award_16.jpeg






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