In order to provide users with permissions for a set of employees, we first need to define that set of employees. To do this, you need to create an ‘Employee Group’.
A short video on this setup can be found here.
One of the interesting properties of employee groups is that they are dynamic. When a new employee is added that matches the criteria, they are automatically added to the group. This reduces the configuration overhead required when setting up new employees.
To create an employee group, go to the Payroll settings > Manage users page and go to the 'Manage employee groups' tab. Then, click on 'Create' (located on the right-hand side of the page):
The context panel will appear where you can then select the required criteria in order to create the desired group of employees:
You can add multiple sets of criteria if required by clicking the 'Add another criteria' option:
As discussed earlier, this group is dynamic and as such if new employees are added to Administration or Guest Services, they will automatically be added to the employee group.
When you change the criteria, the UI is updated, indicating the number of employees that match this criteria.
Other criteria (or combination of) than can be used to create an employee group include:
- employment type; and/or
- pay schedule; and/or
- tag; and/or
- employing entity.
Exclude restricted user from approving own leave/expense/timesheet
You can use employee groups if you wish to restrict the ability for a restricted user to approve their own leave/expenses/timesheets. In setting up employee groups, you are able to:
- Define a set criteria of employees that you wish to include in the group; and
- Define a specific employee (aka the restricted user) to exclude from the group.
As an example below, Ashley Bailey is responsible for managing staff primarily engaged in Administration and Guest Services. Additionally, she is not allowed to approve any of her leave and expense requests. To create an employee group based on that scenario, the criteria would be set as follows:
While this works for most scenarios, the limitation to this is that you cannot restrict a users access to themselves if they have location access AND they also have access to that location, either as a primary location or ancillary location in their employee file. For example if Ashley Bailey had restricted location access to 'Administration', and she also had access to that location via her Employee file > Locations page:
......there is no way to restrict her from being able to access her own timesheets/expenses/leave requests if the location permission settings have been enabled for that. In that scenario, the only way to restrict the access is to remove her from that location, ie untick the location box on her Employee file > Locations page.
Edit an Employee Group
Click on the pencil icon located on the right-hand side of the employee group to bring up the context panel. From here you can change, add or delete any of the criteria used to define the employee group. Then click on 'Save'.
Delete an Employee Group
Click on the bin icon located on the right-hand side of the employee group. A delete confirmation popup box will appear:
Click 'OK'.
View an Employee Group
From this screen, you can also view the employees who form part of an employee group. To do this, click on the ‘x matching employees’ text to the right of the employee group name:
For more information on managing users, see this article
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