Connecting Payroll to Dynamics 365 Business Central

You can integrate your payroll with Dynamics 365 Business Central to export your payroll details to the Dynamics 365 Business Central general ledger.  Once your Dynamics 365 Business Central account is connected, you simply need to map your chart of accounts and then export your payroll journal to the general ledger when you finalise your pay run.

Connecting to Dynamics 365 Business Central

You can connect Dynamics 365 Business Central by following these steps:

  • Go to 'Payroll Settings' > 'Business Management' > 'Integrations'.
  • Go to 'Dynamics 365 Business Central' and click 'Add':


    • Once you have selected 'Dynamics 365 Business Central', Click the 'Connect to Dynamics 365 Business Central' button:mceclip3.png


  1. You will be redirected to the Dynamics 365 Business Central login page where you will need to enter your Dynamics 365 Business Central username and password
  2. You will then be redirected to the Integrations page where you'll need to confirm the Dynamics 365 Business Central file you're connecting to:mceclip0.png
  3. Once confirmed, click 'Save'.

Using your Dynamics 365 Business Central locations to set up locations to assign employees to

If you would like to use the locations you have set up in Dynamics 365 Business Central to assign locations to your employees, you will need to go to 'Payroll Settings' > 'Pay Run Settings' > 'Locations'. Click on the 'Add' button and you will see a drop down lists for you to select and add locations. Please refer to the Locations support article for more information. 

Mapping your payroll accounts

Once you've connected your Dynamics 365 Business Central account, you will need to map the chart of accounts. You can do this by following these steps:
  1. Go to 'Payroll settings' > 'Business Settings' > 'Chart of accounts'.
  2. Click on 'Import accounts' to select which accounts you would like to use.
  3. Click 'Default accounts' and you'll see a list of transaction types that need to be mapped to a Dynamics 365 Business Central account. The Dynamics 365 Business Central accounts appear in the drop down list next to the transaction type. You can select the same account for multiple transaction types.
  4. Once you've completed all the mappings, you are now ready to export a journal.

If you add any extra accounts to your Dynamics 365 Business Central chart of accounts, you can click on Import accounts and select these accounts so that the appear in your drop down lists in the account mappings.

Further information on location specific account mapping can be found in the Mapping GL Accounts support article.

Exporting your journal

Once you've completed a pay run, you'll be able to export a journal to the Dynamics 365 Business Central general ledger. You can export a journal by following these steps:
  1. Once you've created and completed your pay run, click 'Finalise pay run' from the 'Pay run actions' tab.
  2. In the 'Finalise pay run' dialog, ensure 'Export journals to Dynamics 365 Business Central now' is selected:mceclip0.png
  3. Click 'Finalise pay run' and your journal will be exported.

You can find the journal in the General Journals section in Dynamics 365 Business Central, within the Payroll folder. It will be in a "draft" state. 

At this point if the pay run is unlocked and edited, when you finalise the pay run again the journal will be updated with the new pay run figures. You can then select Post/Print option and select Post. The journal entries will disappear from the General Journals and the figures will be added to the account in the chart of accounts.

If a user unlocks a pay run and deletes the pay run, the journal is deleted in Business Central.

Once a journal is posted we can not change anything from our side. You will have to contact Dynamics 365 Business Central support if you don't know how to delete a posted journal entry.
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