Business Equipment Award 2020 (MA000021)

The article provides guidelines about when to use the different work types and tags that are included as part of the pre-built Business Equipment award package. To read further information about the Business Equipment Award, refer to the award Business Equipment award.

Key updates

  Select the current financial year tab to see award updates for the 2024/25 financial year, while all previous updates before this time you can find in the historical financial years tab.

Current financial year Historical financial years
January 2025


We have updated the award to reflect the Fair Work Commission's Review of C14 and C13 rates in modern awards. You can find more information on the Determinations here.
These changes come into effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1st January 2025. Please install these updates after you have finalised your last pay run before the first full pay period beginning on or after the 1st January 2025.

July 2024


We have updated the award to reflect the Fair Work Commission's National Minimum Wage increase detailed in the Annual Wage Review 2023-24 decision and also includes updates to expense-related allowances. You can find more information on the Determinations here and here.

These changes come into effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1st July 2024. Please install these updates after you have finalised your last pay run before the first full pay period beginning on or after the 1st July 2024.

We have also updated the Casual rule set to incorporate a rule for Paid Family Domestic Violence Leave. The "Convert to Casual Ordinary" rule has been deleted as it's no longer applicable.

Installing the pre-built award package

To read details on how to install and configure this Pre-built Award Template, please review the following article. Before relying on the award information, users should carefully evaluate its accuracy, currency, completeness, and relevance for their purposes. You should also obtain appropriate professional advice.


The award covers the sale and lease of business equipment. It also covers any associated installation and servicing of this equipment. Examples of business equipment include:

  • Computers.
  • Data processing equipment.
  • Photocopiers.
  • Facsimile machines.
  • Cash registers.
  • Accounting and adding machines.
  • Calculators.
  • Any peripheral equipment associated with the equipment above, such as keyboards, monitors, printers, routers, and multifunction devices.

Area allowances

You would pay area allowances for work in certain zones, and in place of paying for the cost of accommodation. We have treated Area Allowances as ‌domestic travel allowances up to reasonable limits for tax purposes. Meaning it will not form part of Ordinary Times Earnings (0% super guarantee), nor will it have tax withheld and is excluded from being reported in the income statement. If this does not align with your circumstances, you may wish to change these settings on the Pay Category page.

Our award package provides employee tags for each area shown on the map. As an alternative to these, you may like to assign these allowances to certain locations using custom rules. To help with understanding when area allowances are applied to different parts of Australia, we have included this interactive Google Map. It is an interpretation of how the award describes these areas Click on the shaded area to bring up details for the Award.

Work types

The following lists out and explains the work types an employee can select on their timesheet.

A - F
Annual leave taken. Use this work type if the employee has taken annual leave. Enter the hours that would have otherwise been worked.
Call back and call back (casual). Use this work type if the employee is called back to work after they have completed their normal hours.
Call back while on stand-by and call back while on stand-by (casual). Use this work type if the employee is called back to work while they have been on stand-by.
Community service leave taken. Use this work type if the employee has taken paid community service leave, e.g., jury duty. Enter the hours that would have otherwise been worked.
Compassionate leave taken. Use this work type if the employee has taken compassionate leave. A maximum of 2 days is available under the NES. Enter the hours that would have otherwise been worked.
G - L
Hours worked. Use this work type if there are ordinary hours worked and the other work types are not applicable.
Kilometres travelled. Use this work type to record using your own motor vehicle. 1 unit = 1 kilometre.
Leave without pay. Use this work type if the employee has been on leave without pay.
Long service leave taken. Use this work type if the employee has taken a long-service leave. Enter the hours that would have otherwise been worked.
M - R
Personal/carer's leave taken. Use this work type if the employee has taken personal/carers leave. Enter the hours that would have otherwise been worked.
Phone or remote access support and phone or remote access support (casuals). Use this work type if the employee has provided phone support or remote access support, i.e. not on-site.
Public holiday not worked. Use this work type if the employee has had a day off on a public holiday (permanent employees only).
RDO leave taken. Use this work type if the employee has taken a roster day off. Enter the hours that would have otherwise been worked.
S - Z
Stand-by and stand-by (casuals). Use this work type if the employee is on stand-by to be called to work.
TIL leave taken. Use this work type if the employee has taken time off in lieu. Enter the hours that would have otherwise been worked.
Training course and training course (casuals). Use this work type if the employee has attended a training course
Work on a day off and work on a day off (casuals). Use this work type if the employee has worked on a day they would normally have off.


The following tags are available to employees under the award.

A - F
10 hour shift work. Use this tag if, by agreement, an employee can work up to 10 hours per day as part of ordinary hours.
12 hour shift work. Use this tag if, by agreement, an employee can work up to 12 hours per day as part of ordinary hours.
Country employee part of the time. Use this tag if your employee works in a country area for part of the week regularly.
Country employee. Use this tag if the employee is required to work in a country area.
G - L
In charge of 2-5 employees. Use this tag if the employee is in charge of 2-5 employees
In charge of 6-10 employees. Use this tag if the employee is in charge of 6-10 employees.
In charge of more than 10 employees. Use this tag if the employee is in charge of more than ten employees.
M - R
Permanent night shift. Use this work type if the employee has taken personal/carers leave. Enter the hours that would have otherwise been worked.
Performs first-aid duties. Use this tag if the employee has a relevant qualification and is required to perform first aid duties..
Provides vehicle technical service/support. Use this tag if the employee is required to provide technical services or technical support on-site.
Responsible for service centre. Use this tag if the employee is responsible for the management of a service centre.
S - Z
Saturday is ordinary hours. Use this tag if by agreement a Saturday is included in ordinary hours.
Sunday is ordinary hours. Use this tag if by agreement a Sunday is included in ordinary hours
Uses vehicle on a casual basis. Use this tag if the employee is required to use their own motor vehicle, but on an irregular basis.
Uses vehicle each day. Use this tag if the employee is required to use their own motor vehicle every day.
Works in Broken Hill. See section on Area Allowances.
Works in Central WA. See section on Area Allowances.
Works in Mt Isa. See section on Area Allowances
Works in Northern Territory. See section on Area Allowances
Works in North WA. See section on Area Allowances
Works in South WA. See section on Area Allowances
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