Importing timesheets from deputy standard and premium editions | Payroll Guide

How it works

As an organisation, you may require employees to submit their timesheets via your Deputy Standard or Premium platforms. If this is the case, the payroll platform allows you to import your timesheets directly from your Deputy platform onto your payroll platform, so you can include the data in the relevant employee pay runs. Before you get started, you will need to make sure that you have platform administrator or location manager privileges on your deputy platform.

What you need to do

There are five steps that an administrator needs to complete for timesheets to sync between your payroll platform and your Deputy platform. An administrator needs to complete these actions on both the Payroll and Deputy standard or premium platforms. The five steps are:

Step 1: Input your location code

To link your payroll platform with your Deputy platform, you will need to match the unique location code in your Deputy platform to the External ID within your payroll platform. The steps on how to undertake this are:

  1. Log into your Deputy standard or premium platform
  2. Click the Locations menu.
  3. Click the Edit Settings button.
  4. Click the General submenu.

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see your location code in the Location Code field.

  5. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  6. Click the Business Settings menu.
  7. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  8. Click the Details button.
  9. Enter the Deputy Location code into the External ID field.
  10. Click the Save button.
Step 2: Setup your locations and areas

If you have multiple locations and sub-locations within your business, and you need to pay your employees using these different sites, you will need to set up these as areas within your Deputy platform. The steps on how to undertake this are:

  1. Log into your Deputy standard or premium platform
  2. Click the Locations menu.
  3. Click the Edit Settings button.
  4. Click the Areas submenu.
  5. Enter the name of the new area and click the Add button.
Step 3: Setup your employees timesheet code

The next step is to add your employee timesheet code used in your Deputy Standard or Premium platform into the relevant Employee File External ID field within your payroll platform. The steps on how to undertake this are:

  1. Log into your Deputy standard or premium platform
  2. Click the People menu.
  3. Click the Options button.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. Click the Employment Details submenu.
  6. Add ‌the employee timesheet code into the Timesheet Export Code field.
  7. Click the Save button. Deputy_6.jpg
  8. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  9. Click the Employee menu.
  10. Click the List submenu.
  11. Select the required employee file.
  12. Click the Details button.
  13. Enter the Timesheet Export Code into the External ID field.
  14. Click the Save button.
Step 4: Setup your leave categories

You can export three types of leave, Annual Leave, Sick Leave, and Time in Lieu Taken from your Deputy platform. You will need to configure your payroll platform to accept these leave types.

Helpful Hint

The leave codes you will need to add are:

  • AL: Annual Leave.
  • TL: Time in Lieu.

The steps on how to undertake this are:

  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the Business Settings menu.
  3. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  4. Click the Leave Categories button.
  5. Click the leave category that needs an external code added.
  6. In the External ID field, add in the external ID code.
  7. Click the Save button.
Step 5: Set up work types to be applied to timesheets
After you have set up the export codes of AL, SL and TL into the payroll platform's leave categories, you can set up to allow work types to be sent with timesheets.
  1. In Deputy, go to Business Settings, then Leave, then leave rules.
  2. You will need to export the codes from Deputy, please follow their instructions on how to do this. Ensure that 'Export using Export code' is enabled.
  3. Next, go to your Employment Hero payroll platform and add a new work type. To do this go to Business settings, then under Pay conditions choose Work types, then click Add.
  4. Fill in the details of the work type and use the Export code from Deputy in the External ID field.
  5. This will allow this Work type to be applied to the timesheet.
Step 6: Export your timesheets 

The last step is to export the timesheets from your Deputy Standard or Premium platform over to your payroll platform. The steps on how to undertake this are:

  1. Log into your Deputy standard or premium platform
  2. Click the Timesheet menu.
  3. Click the Export Timesheets submenu.
  4. Select the timesheets that need exporting.
  5. Click the Export Selected Items button.
  6. In the Please Select Payroll Application drop-down, select the KeyPay Payroll option.
  7. Complete the following fields:
    • Please enter your API Key.
    • Override business ID.
  8. Click the Export button.
  9. Click the OK button.

Explore related content

  • Timesheets Overview: This article covers the steps you need to take when submitting a timesheet using our payroll platform.
  • Roster Overview: This feature allows you to configure and edit your roster setup to personalise the EH Payroll platform to your business.
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