Importing Pay Run Journals into MYOB

Available for the following Payroll plans: Standard, Premium

Although there is no direct integration with MYOB, you are able to manually import pay run journals into your MYOB AccountRight or MYOB AccountRight Live system.

Getting started

Setting up the import from the payroll platform
  1. Go to Payroll Settings.
  2. Click on Integrations.
  3. Select MYOB from the list of journal services.
    Screenshot of integrations screen, highlighting myob integration.jpg
  4. A further sublist will appear where you can then choose between AccountRight and AccountRight Live.
  5. Click Enable.
    Screenshot of myob integration confirmation, highlighting enable button.jpg


Now that you have an accounting service enabled, you should then make sure that your Chart of Accounts has been imported and configured properly.

  1. When you have finalised a pay run, you will see the Export to MYOB button.
    Screenshot of pay run, highlighting export to myob button.jpg
  2. Once you click that, the system will generate a TXT file that is ready to be imported into the relevant MYOB system. This is in a format that is compatible with MYOB. 
Importing the pay run journal into MYOB
  1. From within MYOB AccountRight, click the 'File' option in the top left hand corner and select Import/Export Assistant:
  2. Select 'Import Data' and click 'Next':
  3. Next, select 'Transaction Journals' from the list of importable data. You can then 'Browse' and select the TXT file that was downloaded from the Pay Run page of the payroll business file.
  4. Keep 'Tabs' and 'Headers or Labels' as the format options:
  5. Select 'Auto Match' for the fields to be imported:
  6. Click 'Import' (after backing data up if desired):
  7. The next page will confirm the import, along with any errors or warnings associated with it:

Helpful Hint

You can also refer to the following MYOB link: Importing data.

Further information

Import Skipped: Use of “Header Accounts” in Chart of Accounts Mapping

One of the reasons your journal import may be skipped is the use of “Header Accounts” in Chart of Accounts Mapping.

MYOB has two account types: Header Accounts and Detail Accounts. Header Accounts are collections of various Detail Accounts (eg. Phone, Electricity, Gas) under one common grouping (eg. Utilities). Header Accounts are not able to have transactions recorded against them directly and if any should be included in your Chart of Accounts mapping, it will cause the entire import to be skipped.

Error resolution: Fields do not automatically match
For some versions of MYOB, including MYOB Premier, the journal upload may not automatically match fields. This occurs because the raw TXT file may attempt to match an ‘Is Debit’ field, which is not applicable to our journal output.

Workaround Steps:
  1. After downloading the TXT file, open it in a text editor.
  2. Insert an empty line at the top of the document.
  3. Add opening and closing curly brackets {} on that empty line.
  4. Example:
    curly brackets.png
  5. This adjustment ensures that the ‘Amount’ field displays in the match options and is automatically matched when uploading the file into MYOB.
    By applying this workaround, you can avoid errors and successfully import your payroll journal into MYOB.
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