In this article, we have outlined a few of the most common errors that may occur when creating a super batch with Beam, and how to rectify the issues.
When you validate a super batch the information provided for each contribution is checked and it's at this point you may see a message show up on the batch - the message will either be an error or a warning. An error will prevent the affected contributions from being included in the batch - i.e. if there are other contributions you can still submit the batch, but the affected contributions will not be included. A warning will not prevent affected contributions from being paid - you can still submit the super batch.
Under 'Payment details', there is an icon that you can click in order to view more information about the reason for the error/warning:
A pop up box will then show a more detailed description of the issue. For exampe:
- Missing super fund details
- Missing member number
- This employee has payments to funds that are not setup for automatic payments
- This employee has payments to funds that have since been deleted
- SMSF/ESA error message
- Direct Debit issues
Below is a list of errors and how to correct them. You are only required to make changes to one of the contributions for each employee and this will update ALL contributions in the batch that are for the same fund.
Missing super fund details
If the employee has missing super fund details:
- Click on the ‘click to view’ option to expand the details;
- Click on the 'choose fund for automatic payments':
A pop up box will appear and you will need to correct the employee super fund details. To do this, click on ‘here’ which will take you directly to the employee’s super fund details page in a new tab. From there, click on ‘no fund supplied’ and provide the correct super fund details. You will have the option to enter a regulated fund, a self-managed super fund (SMSF) or an employer nominated fund. Click save when finished.
Once the employee super fund details are updated, you can go back to the new super batch screen and click on ‘Refresh’ button. The employee's name will turn green which indicates the super fund details have been updated and have passed the validation.
Missing member number
If the employee is missing a member number from their super fund details:
- Click on the ‘click to view’ option to expand the details;
- Click on the 'enter member number' option > enter the member number > save:
The employee's name is now green which indicates the super fund details have been updated and have passed the validation.
This employee has payments to funds that are not setup for automatic payments
This error will appear when the system is unable to confirm that the fund is super stream compliant. This may be due to incomplete/incorrect super fund details. The employee's super fund details will need to be set up correctly:
- Click on the ‘click to view’ option to expand the details;
- Click on 'Choose Fund for Automatic Payments’:
A pop up message will appear which displays the employee’s current super fund and allocation details. You'll need to click on the ‘allocate’ option. The batch will then be updated to reflect the employee’s current super fund details and allocation.
The employee's name is now green which indicates the super fund details have been updated and have passed the validation.
This employee has payments to funds that have since been deleted
This functionality will behave differently for Super Guarantee & Employer Contributions and Member Voluntary & Salary Sacrifice Contributions
If the employee’s current super fund has been deleted or is inactive/invalid you will need to change the fund to an active/valid fund, or you can change it to the Employer Nominated fund:
Super guarantee & employer contributions:
- Click on the ‘click to view’ option to expand the details;
- Click on the 'choose fund for automatic payments' option:
A pop up message will appear for super guarantee & employer contributions. This displays the employee’s current super fund and allocation details. You'll need to click on the ‘allocate’ option. The batch will then be updated to reflect the employee’s current super fund details and allocation.
Member voluntary & salary sacrifice contributions
The following pop up message will appear for member voluntary & salary sacrifice contributions. You will need to select a single fund for these contributions as they can't be split across several funds. Then click on the ‘Allocate’ option:
The batch will then be updated to reflect the employee’s current super fund details and allocation and the employee's name is now green which indicates the batch has passed the validation.
SMSF/ESA error message
This will stop you from submitting a batch. If you see an error regarding an SMSF you will need to deal with the problem before you'll be able to pay/include the affected employee's contributions in the super batch. A couple of reasons why you may see an error message about an SMSF:
- The SMSF may not be operating under a valid ABN (eg. regulation details may have been removed)
- The ABN recorded on the employee's Super Funds page for the SMSF may be wrong
First we suggest you check the status of the ABN for the SMSF on the government website:
Then, if the ABN doesn't appear to be the problem, the employee will need to get in touch with the SMSF to investigate what the problem is.
Direct Debit issues
To use the Direct Debit payment method, we need to make sure you are a registered employer with the ATO. This can be done via a successful STP (Single Touch Payroll) event. If you have not submitted a successful STP event, this will result in the following error occurring when submitting the super payment and you will need to select another payment option to continue: “Prior to using the direct debit payment option, a pay event must be successfully lodged via Single Touch Payroll. Please select another payment option.”
If you get a red flag error after validation: "We do not hold a current direct debit authority that matches the direct debit details provided." you need to check your Direct Debit bank account details on the Superannuation Settings page and in the Beam user interface.
If it is for an employing entity you will need to go to the Employing Entities page > select the correct employing entity and check the Direct Debit bank account details in the Beam user interface.
If you need to add or delete bank account details set up for direct debit payments, you will need to do this via the Beam user interface.
Remember, if you make any changes in Beam you must proceed through each section to the end until you reach the Terms & Conditions (T&Cs) > accept the T&Cs again > then click on 'BACK TO PAYROLL' before returning to payroll so the change you made is "recognised" (ie sync data back to KeyPay).
If you have already entered Direct Debit bank details but there is an error and the details are not showing in your batch or on your Superannuation Settings page / Employing Entities page. The steps to follow are:
1. You need to confirm the ABN in the Payroll settings > Details page.
2. Then check the ABN in the Beam user interface is the same/matching > go to Payroll settings > Superannuation > click on the ‘edit details in Beam’ button (under the Manage Beam section) and check your details.
If you have changed any details in Beam and the data does not sync back to payroll then you may need to remove the direct debit details in Beam and add them again so it picks up the correct ABN. Once that's done there should be no error in the batch.
You will also need to confirm the direct debit bank account details are correct and then, make sure you step through to the end of the process before returning to payroll.
If there are 'warnings' in the batch you will still be able to submit the super batch.
Employee details warning
The system warning will specify the issue, however an example is a missing phone number. To correct this you can click on the edit (pencil icon) next to the employee’s name, this will take you to the employee’s super fund screen. You will then need to go to the employee's 'Details' page, enter a phone number and click on save
Back on the Manage Super Batch Payment screen, once you have made the required changes, you will need to click on the 'Refresh Employee Data’ option. This will validate the employee's data and remove them from the warnings list if they pass the validation process.
SMSF/ESA Warning
These type of warning messages are important and will appear if the SMSF and ESA do not have an "established" relationship. These are some common warning messages:
- "The ESA service provider has advised that the ABN for this self managed super fund is unknown to them. Please obtain the correct ESA from the employee.."
- "The ABN provided is not known to the message receiver. If the superannuation fund is a self managed super fund (SMSF), please confirm with the employee that the ESA provided is correct; or please contact the fund for more information. Please note, no refund is associated with this message."
Sometimes contributions that have been paid in the past without issue suddenly trigger this warning in a super batch, this might happen if for example, an ESA subscription has expired and needs renewing, or the SMSF may have chosen to go with a different ESA.
If the SMSF is not known by the ESA, then the ESA will not be sending the electronic message required, under SuperStream regulations, to accompany all super contributions made to SMSFs - so it's in your best interests to deal with, rather than ignore, the problem.
You are not able to clear the warning from the super batch page. While a "warning" message will allow contributions to be paid it is still the responsibility of the employee and/or SMSF to make sure the ESA is both valid and appropriately linked to the SMSF - for information about ESAs from the ATO click here
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