Managing Unavailability in the Employee Portal

Employees can mark themselves as unavailable to work from the employee self service portal. Employees can set unavailability to be a one off, or recurring unavailability and when they are unavailable it will display in the leave calendar and also display as a warning if you try and create a shift for that employee in the employee schedule.

As an employee, you can set your unavailability by following these steps:

Via the Employee Portal

  1. Log into the employee portal which will enable you to view the schedule calendar. Clicking on any day in the calendar will display the "Unavailability" dialog


  2. If you want to make yourself unavailable for a single day, 
  • Untick the "ongoing basis" option
  • Select the "From" date
  • Select the "To" date
  • Optionally, enter a reason for your unavailability
  • If you want to make yourself unavailable for a specific time during the day, untick the "all day" option and select the start time and the end time
  • If you want to create a recurring unavailability:
    • Tick the "ongoing basis" option
    • Select the day of the week you will be unavailable for
    • Select the "From" date
    • Optionally, select the "To" date. If you do not select a "To" date the unavailability will recur indefinitely
  • Optionally, enter a reason for your unavailability
  • When you're done, click the "Save" button

Once you have saved your unavailability, it will show on the calendar (and display if the unavailability is recurring or not)


Deleting an unavailability

You can delete an unavailability from your schedule by following these steps:

  1. Click on an existing unavailability in the calendar
  2. In the "Unavailability" dialog that is displayed, click the "Delete" link



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