Manager/Administrator Email Notification Configuration

With our Email Notification feature you can now configure the email notifications that you require and disable the notifications that you don't need. These settings are available for both full access users and restricted users, and are configured separately for each business. Restricted users will only see the settings applicable based on their permissions. The full suite of notification settings include:

  • Email me when an employee that I supervise requests leave
  • Email me when an employee that I supervise cancels their leave request
  • Email me when an employee that I supervise requires approval for a shift swap
  • Email me when an employee that I supervise declines a roster shift
  • Email me when an employee that I supervise is unavailable to work
  • Email me when an employee that I supervise accepts a biddable shift
  • Email me when a biddable shift has not been accepted by the notification cutoff time
  • Email me when an employee that I supervise requests an expense reimbursement
  • Email me when an employee that I supervise cancels their expense reimbursement request
  • Email me when an employee completes the Employee Self Setup process *
  • Email me when a Manager initiates the Employee Self Setup process *
  • Email me when a Pay Run Task is created *
  • Email me when there is a Lodgement error *
  • Email me when an employee that I supervise acknowledges a document
  • Email me when an employee that I supervise updates their qualification
  • Email me when a pay event is approved or rejected *
  • Email me when an employee that I supervise changes their personal details
  • Email me when an employee that I supervise changes their bank account details *
  • Email me when an employee that I supervise changes their super fund details *
  • Email me when an employee that I supervise uploads a document that is deemed to be malicious
  • Send me a daily reminder email:
    • Include pending leave requests
    • Include pending timesheets
    • Include pending expense reimbursement requests
    • Include pending shifts
    • Include pending shift swaps
    • Include pending biddable shifts

N.B. Notification settings marked with an asterisk (*) are only available to full access users.

If you select the daily reminder email setting, you are then required to specify which day(s) and at what time you would like to receive the notification email, as follows:


Please note: The timezone settings on your Windows/Mac computer will determine the time the notification will be sent. Please make sure the Timezone on your Windows/Mac is set up correctly.

There is a link at the bottom of each email that we send out that says ‘To configure your email notifications, click here’ .. clicking that will take you to the settings page where you can adjust your notification preferences.


How to access 'my notifications'

Full Access Users

Full access users can navigate to notification settings by clicking on your username (in the top right corner of the screen), then click on My Notifications...


Restricted Users

Click on 'Manage notifications' within the Quick access box displayed on to the right of the manager dashboard, as follows:



If you have any questions or suggestions, please get in touch with us via

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