With the release of Employee Self Setup (also known as onboarding), employers can say goodbye to the paperwork associated with hiring new employees. The feature lets employers manage the onboarding process from start to finish quickly and seamlessly. It also makes your onboarding process a lot more simple.
Getting Started
- On the Personal Details page some details are pre-populated according to what your employer has entered for you. You can now fill in the remaining fields:
- Title
- First name
- Middle name
- Surname
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Residential Address (To pre-fill an address, start typing the address and click on a suggestion. or 'Can't find your address above?' option from the address dropdown field)
- Postal Address is same as residential
- Mobile Phone
- Use my personal details to find existing superfunds: Yes/No
- The next page of the setup process is Banking Details. You can add multiple bank accounts and select how much pay goes into each account.
Enter your account details:
- Account name
- Account Number
- Branch Code
- Pay into this account: select from:
- The entire amount;
- A specified dollar amount;
- A percentage of their pay
- There is a delete option and also a button to add another account for splitting your pay between multiple accounts.
- The Identity type and Identity Number fields are a compulsory. Any Identity number entered here will go through a validation check. The following identification numbers will be accepted: National Registration Identity Card (NRIC), Foreign Identification Number (FIN), Immigration File Reference Number, Work Permit Number, Malaysian Identification Card or Passport Number.
- The expiry date field is only applicable if there is an expiry date for the FIN number
- The nationality data is used for reporting to the IRAS
- The legal status is used to determine whether the employee is:
- eligible for CPF contributions, or
- whether tax should be deducted from the salary
- if permanent resident is selected, the date obtained residency and CPF contribution rates option will need to be completed. This will determine which CPF rates will apply during the first 2 years of obtaining residency.
- In Singapore, local and foreign employees who are working under a contract of service, are covered by the Employment Act. The Employment Act does not cover employees who are managers/executives, seamen, domestic workers or government employees. Part 4 of the Employment Act (which covers rest days, hours of work and overtime) is only relevant to employees earning less than $2,600 or workmen who earn less than $4,500 per month.
- The employee group field is used to determine what CPF rate will be applied to the employee.
- The qualifications that are listed reflect the qualifications that have been added at a business level. Simply click on the toggle and it will be added to the employee profile.
- Once added, an expiry date can be entered, along with a reference and attachment.
Once the employee has clicked 'Finish' the system will remind them of any steps that have not been completed.
If at any stage the employee has skipped a step, the system will provide a link at the end that will take them back to the incomplete page.
Alternatively, the employee can continue to access the self setup via the original link in their email. Until they complete all steps of the self setup, they will continue to receive reminder notification emails. The frequency of these emails will depend on what was configured when the employee self setup was first initiated.
Once the employee has finished the self setup process, they can select the Click here button to finish the process.
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