Switching between Multiple User Types


The WorkZone app is being decommissioned by 12 October 2023. The Swag app is replacing WorkZone - please learn about the WorkZone features in the Swag app here.

There are instances where users may want to be logged into multiple user accounts within WorkZone using different email addresses and to easily switch between these accounts. For example, employee managers may want access to manage their employees via a work email address, whilst at the same time, wanting to access their own employee details via a personal email address.

In these cases, users are able to achieve this by using the 'Add Account' option within the WZ app itself and following the below instructions.  

An example would work as follows:

  • the user is logged into WZ as test@gmail.com (their personal employee file);
  • the user navigates to the side menu (by clicking on the hamburger in the top left corner). On the side menu, just beside the Logout option, they will see the new 'Add Account' option;
  • when the user taps on this option they will see a screen similar to the original login screen where they will need to enter the email address and password of the second account they would like to access as a manager;
  • once the second account has been logged into, the user will then see the 'Employees' and 'Businesses' headings (on the side menu). They will see the name of the business (under the Employees heading) in which they have employee access, to see their own personal details and the name of any businesses (under the Businesses heading) in which they have employee manager access. 

Adding a new user

Once you are logged into WorkZone (using any current and active account), tap the hamburger menu > 'Add Account' icon as shown below: 


The following 'Add Account' screen will appear:


You then need to log into the second account using the related email address and password. Once logged into the second account, you will be automatically taken to the first business or employee that you have access to. This is shown below, listed in alphabetical order: 


For ease of visibility, the email address used to access each business or employee will appear under the relevant business or employee name:


Logging out

Logging out from a single account

When logged into multiple accounts, you can choose to log out of just one of those accounts and stay logged into the others. To do this, simply click on the hamburger icon > logout, and select the account that you wish to log out of, as shown below:


Logging out from all accounts

When logged into multiple accounts, you can choose to log out of all accounts at once. Simply select the hamburger icon and then the 'Logout all accounts' option as shown below:


Push notifications

Push notifications will work as configured within your mobile device settings, and hence cannot be configured separately for each user that is logged in. I.e. it is not possible to have push notifications set up for some accounts, but not others. 

Frequently asked questions

What happens if one of the accounts the user is logged into has their access revoked?

In this scenario, there are a few things that will happen:

  • The user will be automatically logged out of the account from which their access was revoked; 
  • The user can no longer see the employees they had employee access to;
  • The user will still be logged into all other unaffected accounts.

What happens if I am logged into multiple accounts that have access to the same employee?

In this scenario, you will be able to access that employee multiple times, once per account. Different permissions across those accounts are reflected. For example, you have 2 accounts logged in, (1 account has full access and 1 has restricted access), and both have access to the same employee. The full access user will continue to have full access permissions in relation to the employee, and the restricted user will continue to have restricted access permissions in relation to the employee.

What happens when new access is given to an account?

If logged in with multiple accounts, and one (or more) of the accounts is given new access to some other employee/business, that employee/business should appear in the side menu.

If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know via support@nzpayroll.co.nz

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