How do I import timesheets?

Timesheets can be imported from a variety of sources, including CSV file formats as well as direct import from third-party providers. To import timesheets, please make sure the timesheet service is enabled within the Timesheet service page under payroll settings. From there you will be able to enable timesheets and configure providers.

Importing Timesheets

To begin the timesheet import process, select 'Manage Employees' -> 'Import Timesheets' on your payroll dashboard:


From here you can choose the timesheets source from the dropdown. The options available are:

Custom file upload

This timesheet import function allows the import of timesheets from CSV files. The file format is not fixed; most timesheet formats may be imported provided the following requirements are satisfied:

  • The file must be in CSV (comma separated) or TSV (tab separated) format
  • There may only be one timesheet entry per line
  • Each timesheet line requires, at minimum:
    • Start/End date/time or Date + Units
    • Employee
  • The import will fail if dates are entered that are before the employee's start date.

First, select the file to upload.


Once the file has been uploaded, the user is able to set the date format of the file (US date formats and Australian date formats are supported).

The next step is to configure the type of data for each column. A preview of the first few lines of each column are shown to assist in the column matching. See below for a description of all available column types:

 Once the columns are mapped, the next step is to actually begin the import. It is possible to replace timesheets uploaded in a previous import (for example, if there were errors in the previous import). NOTE: that if timesheets are included in a pay run, they may not be replaced.

The final option is to determine whether the timesheets are automatically approved or whether they should go through the standard timesheet approval workflow. Click Import to begin the process.

Once the timesheet import process is complete, if there were any errors they will be shown. The file may be re-uploaded or the columns re-configured and the import retried.

If the import is successful, the format of the file may be saved so that it can be re-used at a later date to save having to map the column types each time.

Simply click the 'save the file format' link, give the format a name and click Save timesheet format

Important: Dimension values in a timesheet will take priority over primary dimension values in the pay run default screen when a timesheet is imported:

ie; if both

  • dimension values are added to a timesheet, and 

  • primary dimension values are set up in the employees pay run defaults screen

then the dimension values added to the timesheet should be added to the earnings line when the timesheet is imported. Primary dimension values should be ignored.

Column Types

The following table lists the available column types.

Column type Description
Nothing (skip) Select this column type if the data is irrelevant to the timesheet import

Date only (without time information). The date may be in US or Australian format. 

Start time Time only 
Start date and time Date and time 
End time Time only 
End date and time Date and time 
Break start time Time only 
Break start date and time Date and time 
Break end time Time only 
Break end date and time Date and time 
Employee ID  This ID value is currently only available via the API
Employee external ID  External ID of the employee
Work type ID   This ID value is currently only available via the API
Work type external ID  External ID of the work type 
Location ID   This ID value is currently only available via the API
Location external ID  External ID of the location 
Pay category ID   This ID value is currently only available via the API
Pay category external ID  External ID of the pay category. NOTE: it is preferred to use work types that map to pay categories/leave categories rather than mapping directly to pay categories
Leave category ID   This ID value is currently only available via the API
Leave category external ID  External ID of the leave category. NOTE: it is preferred to use work types that map to pay categories/leave categories rather than mapping directly to leave categories
Classification ID  This ID value is currently only available via the API
Category type 

This field indicates the type of data that is present in the Category ID or Category external ID fields. Possible values:

  • L indicates a leave category
  • W indicates a work type
  • P (or empty) indicates a pay category
Category ID This ID value is currently only available via the API
Category external ID  External ID of the leave category or pay category or work type (as indicated by the Category type column)
Rate  Rate the employee is paid for this shift. This is not mandatory - the employee's standard rates will be used. NOTE: this column does not work well in conjunction with pay conditions 
Comments  Comments associated with the timesheet 

This may be used to override the number of paid hours for the timesheet. If left blank, the hours will be determined by the start/end times and the breaks. 

Units may also be required for unit-based pay categories.

Date/time columns may be used in the following combinations:

  • Start date and time + End date and time
  • Date + Start time + End time
  • Date + Units

Dimensions Columns, users can add either:

  • Dimensions (Which is dimension name)  These have to be in the format - Dimension name:Dimension value name.  Users can import multiple of these split by an | in a timesheet import .  For instance 'Department:A|Sales:TeamB".
  • Dimension value ID - Only one of these can be added to a timesheet line in an import

Sample Timesheet Formats

Each of the following sample timesheet import formats assume the following:

  • There is an employee with an External ID of MM (Mickey Mouse)
  • There is another employee with an External ID of DD (Donald Duck)
  • There is a location with an External ID of foh (front of house)
  • There is another location with an External ID of warehouse
  • There is a work type with an External ID of STD

Example 1:

This timesheet format uses datetime data in the start/end/break start/break end columns

Timesheet A

Example 2:

This timesheet format uses a date column with separate start time/end time columns

Timesheet B

Example 3:

This timesheet format uses a date column and a units column to represent the hours worked

Timesheet C

All of these timesheets are very simple however they can be expanded upon due to the timesheet importer's flexibility.


The Roster import option allows timesheets to be created directly from the integrated employee rostering module.

To limit the timesheets that are created there are a number of options to filter the roster records. Filtering can be done using the following options:

  • Date Range
  • One or more location - This will filter on the location of the roster record.
  • Pay Schedule - Filter to employees with a matching default pay schedule

The 'Approve timesheets' option is to determine whether the timesheets are automatically approved or whether they should go through the standard timesheet approval workflow. Click Import to begin the process.

Once the process is complete you will be given the option to import more timesheets or proceed to the timesheet approval section.

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