How to Manually Manage RDO/TIL using Timesheets

If your subscription plan does not allow for automation of Time in Lieu (TIL) or Rostered Day Off (RDO) conditions, you are still able to set the system up to manage this.

There are 2 scenarios for entering RDO/TIL. The first is via the earnings lines in a pay run and the second is through the use of timesheets.

Entering RDO/TIL via Timesheets

If using timesheets, you will firstly need to set up a leave category for RDO/TIL. Instructions on how to set up leave categories can be found here. Thereafter, you will need to set up a work type  for the relevant RDO/TIL action. This enables different pay conditions to be calculated, for eg when taking leave and when accruing leave. To select more than one work type on the same day, you will need to create another timesheet line. To do this, click on 'Actions' > 'Add another timesheet line' > select the date > 'Add':


If a work type is not used in a timesheet line the primary pay category, as configured via the employees' Pay Run Defaults, page will be used.

Accruing RDO/TIL

You will need to create a work type, called "Accrue RDO/TIL" that, when used, will not pay the employee for the hours worked, but rather will accrue those hours worked as RDO/TIL.

The basic instructions for creating a work type can be found here. Specifically in this scenario, when it comes to using a work type to accrue leave, you must:

  1. Map the hours to a leave category; and
  2. tick the checkbox "Apply to pay run as leave accrual".


Employees then simply have to assign the work type for the period of time worked where they will instead accrue time in lieu. For example, an employee has an agreement with the employer that any hours worked in excess of 8 in a day will accrue time in lieu.

To enter that in a timesheet, the employee would have to create 2 timesheets for the day, as follows:


This timesheets, once approved will then be imported into the pay run and RDO/TIL hours will accrue in correlation with the hours specified in the timesheet.

Taking RDO/TIL

Again, you will need to create a work type, called "RDO/TIL Taken" that, when used, will deduct the hours from the employee's leave balance when processing in the pay run.

There are 2 ways to create timesheets pertaining to leave taken:

  1. Using a work type: If an employee takes leave for a whole day or part day, you will need to assign the relevant work type for that timesheet, as follows:


  2. Using an approved leave request: If an employee has submitted a leave request and it has been approved by their manager, they can generate the timesheet from the leave request. From the timesheet screen, the employee will see the following message: 


    Click on the link to then confirm the start/end times for the timesheet(s) and click on "Save". This will then create the timesheets, as follows: 


Once the timesheets are approved and imported into the pay run, the RDO/TIL hours taken will be paid in the pay run and also deducted from the employee's RDO/TIL balance.

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