Detailed Activity Report


The detailed activity report allows you to view a breakdown of activity by location per employee over a given period of time. It reports data based on DATE PAID. 


Getting Started

  1. To access the report:
  2. Go to the Reports menu. 
  3. Select the Detailed Activity report.
  4. The Detailed Activity Report requires you to select the following parameters. 
  • Date range - There are multiple frequencies to choose from as well as a 'custom range'. Additionally,  if you want to select a specific pay run instead of a date range, you can change to that filter by clicking the toggle button:DAR_dates.jpg
  • Pay Schedules - Includes all pay schedules, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, and any other custom schedules that have been set up.
  • Group by - Earnings locations, Earnings roll up reporting location, Employee default location.
  • Locations - Options include all locations, or specific locations that have been set up already. You are able to select multiple locations as required.
  • Employing Entity (if applicable).
  1. There are also two optional checkboxes which allow you to filter the report:
  • Show post-tax deductions
  • Locations totals only
  1. Show post-tax deductions will display an additional ‘Post-tax deductions’ column in the report.
  2. Locations totals only will switch off employee lines in the report and only display the totals for each location in the business. 
  3. To apply the filters, tick one or both checkboxes.
  4. Click Run report
  5. The report shows the following information:
  • Locations and employees
  • Hours
  • Gross earnings
  • Pre tax deductions
  • Tax exempt earnings
  • Taxable earnings
  • PAYG
  • STSL
  • SG Super
  • Employer contribution
  • Net earnings
  • Employer liabilities
  • Gross + SuperDAR_run_results.jpg

Click to Expand all (Please note that when Expand all is selected the option changes to Collapse all) to get a breakdown of each employee listed under their corresponding location. A sub-total for each location is also listed.

If you filtered the report using the Show locations totals only checkbox, you can expand locations to display any sub-locations, either by clicking on head locations in the report or clicking Expand All.

Export and Print the Report

  1. You also have the option to export this report to CSV, Excel or PDF
  2. From there the report can be printed from the PDF format. 
  3. Click the Download button. 
  4. Select from the drop down button what format you want to export. 
  5. The download will begin automatically. DAR_download.jpg

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