Partners and brand users are able to post notifications in order to communicate with clients in relation to anything that needs promoting, such as the product, important updates, etc. These updates apply to businesses that the user has access to, and will be displayed on the individual business dashboard under the existing 'Action Items' section:
This article covers the following topics:
- Adding a dashboard notification;
- Viewing a dashboard notification;
- Editing a dashboard notification;
- Deleting a dashboard notification
Adding a dashboard notification
The dashboard notification feature is available from the left side dash on the partner dashboard as shown below:
This screen will display, by default, all existing notifications that have been sent. If none have been sent, the message ‘No notifications have been created’:
In order to post a notification to businesses, simply click the ‘Add’ button to the right of the screen, and this will configure the settings for a notification:
A context panel will open with the following settings to be configured:
- From date: You are able to select the required date via the calendar, and when selected, the notification will not be displayed until such date. If this date is left blank, the notification will be displayed on the dashboard as soon as it is saved. You can only select a date that is todays date, or in the future, i.e. no historical date can be selected.
- To date: You are able to select the required date via the calendar, and the message will be removed from the business’ dashboard once that date has lapsed. For example, if the end date is 13/12/20 then the notification will be removed from the dashboard at 00.01am on 14/12/20 (or as close as possible to that time). If the field is left blank then the message will not automatically be removed at all.
- Important: Select this checkbox if you want to classify a notification as important so that it stands out more in comparison to normal notifications. Any notifications marked as important will be positioned at the top of all other notifications and will be differentiated via a yellow bell icon compared to non-priority notifications.
- Recipient type: This section includes the following settings:
- Region: This includes a drop down list, consisting of the regions that you have access to. If you only have access to one region, that region will auto-populate for this setting. Only one region can be selected per notification.
- Partner: This includes a drop down list, consisting of the partner accounts that you have access to. If you only have access to one partner account then that account will auto-populate for this setting. If the region filter has been applied then only brand accounts configured for that region will be listed in the dropdown. Brand users who don’t have partner level access will not see this field in the panel. Multiple partner accounts can be selected.
- Brand: This includes a drop down list, consisting of the brand accounts that you have access to. If the region and/or partner filter has been applied then only the brand accounts configured for that region or attached to that partner account will appear in the drop down list. Multiple brand accounts can be selected.
- Business: This includes a drop down list, consisting of the business accounts that you have access to. It's important to note that all business will not appear by default, rather, you will need to start typing business names to bring up search results. If the region and/or partner and/or brand filter has been applied then only businesses configured for that region or attached to that partner or brand account will appear in the drop down list. Multiple businesses can be selected.
- Display to new businesses: If this checkbox is ticked, it will indicate that any new business set up under the partner or brand accounts selected within this notification (and post this notification being saved) will also have the notification displayed on their business dashboard. By default, the checkbox will be unticked.
- Add notification text panel: This consists of a a rich text editor that you can use to enter the required notification text. You are able to preview the message before saving the notification by clicking the 'Preview' button.
- Save: A validation will occur prior to actually saving the notification setting which includes ensuring that a message has been entered in the rich text editor field, and that something has been selected in either the region, partner, brand or business field
- Cancel: Clicking on this will remove the panel from the screen (thereby effectively acting as though it never existed).
Once created, each notification will have its own unique ID and this will be displayed on the 'Notifications' screen for all users that have access to the region and/or partner and/or brand:
Viewing a dashboard notification
Once a notification has been added, the following information is displayed on the 'Notifications' screen for all users that have access to the brand:
- Text contained in the notification;
- ‘From date’ and ‘To date’;
- Recipients of notification, ie WL name/s, etc
When viewing the notification within the partner dashboard, where a notification does not have a from/to date assigned, there will be no end date displayed. Furthermore, this notification will be placed at the bottom of all other notifications. All other (date based) notifications are displayed in chronological order - with the most recent being at the top.
There are a few notifications that will not be visible via the Partner dashboard > Dashboard notifications page. These include:
- Award update notifications posted via payroll platform administrators;
- Business specific notifications that are automatically posted as a result of an action performed/not performed within a specific business.
These notifications will be excluded from the partner dashboard as they occur automatically as a result of other actions performed outside of the partner dashboard.
Editing a dashboard notification
Each notification has an ‘edit’ option next to it, as shown in the example below:
Clicking on ‘edit’ will open up the context panel and allow a user to make any changes to the existing config for that notification. If edited changes are saved then the notification text will be updated on the affected business’ dashboards as well (if the notification is still displayed on the dashboard for a full access user).
NB: Editing is only possible if the notification message is still deemed active, i.e. there is no ‘to date’ entered for the notification, or the ‘to date’ is in the future.
Deleting a dashboard notification
Each notification will have a ‘delete’ option next to it, as shown in the example below:
When you click the ‘delete’ icon, a confirmation modal will appear confirming that you want to delete the notification. Once deleted, the notification will be removed from all affected business’ dashboards.
There are no restrictions on notifications that can be deleted.
If you have any questions related to this please contact us via
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