You are able to publish and unpublish shifts from within the roster by following the instructions below.
Publishing Shifts
When you publish a shift the following things happen:
- An email is sent to the employee letting them know that they have been assigned a new shift
- The shift becomes visible in the employee roster
- The shift is made read-only in the shift dialog
There are two ways to publish a shift
- Publish an individual shift
- Bulk publish shifts
Publishing individual shifts
You can publish an individual shift by following these steps:
- From the employee roster screen, click on the shift that you'd like to publish.
- In the shift dialog that is displayed, tick the 'Publish' option:
3. Click the 'Save' button
Once you have done this, the shift will be published and the orange circle will change to blue on the employee roster.
Bulk publishing shifts
If you want to publish multiple shifts at once, you can do so by going to the Rostering page and following these steps:
- Open up the employee roster
- Click the blue 'Publish XX shifts' button:
3. Confirm that you want to publish the shifts by clicking the 'Publish' button in the shift publish dialog:
Unpublishing Shifts
When you unpublish a shift the following things happen:
- A notification is sent to employees letting them know that they are no longer required to work the previously scheduled shifts
- The shift is no longer visible in the employee roster
- The shift can be edited in the shift dialog
There are two ways to unpublish shifts:
- Unpublish an individual shift
- Bulk unpublish shifts
Unpublishing an individual shift
You can unpublish an individual shift by following these steps:
- In the employee roster screen, click the shift you'd like to publish
- In the shift dialog that is displayed, click the 'Save' button. There is a note explaining that the shift is already published, and saving it will update it and make it's status "unpublished":
Once you have done this, the shift will be unpublished and the blue circle will change to orange on the employee roster.
Bulk unpublishing shifts
You can bulk unpublish shifts by following these steps:
- Open the employee roster and navigate to the date range that contains the shifts you want to unpublish
- Click the orange "XX shifts to unpublish" button:
3. Confirm that you want to unpublish the shifts by clicking the "Unpublish" button in the confirmation dialog
Once you have bulk unpublished those shifts, they will no longer be visible to employees in the employee portal and the circle will change from blue to orange in the employee roster.
Helpful Hint
A useful trick to copy individual shifts quickly is to hold the Shift key on your keyboard, click an existing shift, either published or unpublished, and then drag the field to the relevant day. The platform will copy the shift as unpublished.
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