Manual Upload - Payday Filing Employment Information Amendment

Following on from Payday Filing Employment information, if you have submitted an Employment Information report to the Inland Revenue (IR) for a pay run and then need to make amendments to that pay run, an Employment Information Amendment report will need to be submitted to the IR. 

The below are instructions on how to generate the payday filing employment information amendment report. 

NB. if you're set up for electronic lodgement to the IRD you can electronically lodge an amendment too - click on this link to the appropriate article for you. 

To make changes to an already finalised payrun, you would have had to unlock a payrun

Once you have made the required updates, recalculated and finalised the unlocked pay run, the 'Payday Filing (Amendment)' button will appear. 

Clicking on the 'Payday Filing (Amendment) drop down will show you the date of the original employment information file downloaded/lodged to IR.  You can also click on the text which will take you directly to that employment information file.

Clicking on the 'Payday Filing (Amendment)' button will take you directly to the Payday Filing reporting page. Review and ensure that the payday filing amendment details displayed on the screen are correct. On screen, it will display the values submitted in the original employment information, followed by the amendments row which will show updated values for the payrun in red. 

Clicking on the 'CSV' button will generate the Payday filing - Employment Information Amendment report in the required file format.

Upon clicking on the 'CSV' button, the following 'Confirm Download' message will appear, clicking on the 'OK' button will confirm that you will upload the report to the IR. 

If you are not going to upload the report to the IR as yet, then please click on the 'Cancel' button. You can go back into the pay run or the Payday Filing reporting page when you are ready to upload the report to the IR.

If you clicked on 'Cancel' from the 'Confirm Download' message above, then you can go back into the Pay Runs page, click on the relevant pay period to take you into the detailed pay run view to access the 'Payday Filing (Amendment)' button relevant to that pay period. 

You can also access the payday filing employment information amendment from 'Reports', 'IRD Reporting' section and then 'Payday Filing'. Select the relevant 'Pay Schedule' and 'Select Pay Run' from the drop down. The Employment information relevant to that pay period will display. 

When you are ready to upload the Employment Information Amendment report to the IR, as mentioned above, click on the 'CSV button, 'Confirm Download' message will appear, clicking on the 'OK' button will confirm that you will upload the report to the IR. This will flag in the relevant pay run as being downloaded and lodged to the IR.

When you are ready to upload the Employment Information Amendment report to the IR, you can click on the 'IRD Portal' text from the Payday Filing Report page which will take you directly to the Inland Revenue Department's myIR portal

IMPORTANT NOTE: when uploading your employment information amendment report to myIR, please make sure you are uploading the original downloaded file. DO NOT open and save the report to your own drive as this will cause file formatting issues and as a result will return errors within the payday filing submission. 

For more information on how to upload the Payday Filing reports, please refer to the IRD website.

If you uploaded an Employment Information Amendment file to your IRD portal and receive an error similar to this example:

No filing exists for 111-111-111 and tax code M SL for payday period 01-Mar-2019.

then it means you have uploaded an Employment Information Amendment file without uploading an original Employment Information file first. The file will fail as the Employment Information Amendment is looking for the original Employment Information file and the original line that needs to be fixed. If this is the case, then you can go to Reports > IRD Reporting > Payday Filing.

Select the pay run period from the dropdown. Click on the 'Original' file and then click on the 'CSV' button to generate the Employment Information file. 

Upload the original Employment Information to your IRD portal first and then once submitted successfully, then upload your Employment Information Amendment file.

 Other notes:

Negative earnings are not accepted by the IRD. You will need to ensure earnings are presented as positive earning amounts. 


As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please let us know via


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