On occasions employees may require you to resend them their pay slips. By following these steps you will be able to email your employee/s their pay slip/s;
Select "Employee" from the top menu. Select "List" and then select the employee whose pay slip you wish to resend.
Select "Pay Slips" from the menu on the left hand side of the screen, under "EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT". You will be presented with a screen that looks like this (see image below). Select the pay period in which you want to resend the employee's pay slip (see red arrow).
You will then be presented with the employee's selected pay slip. In the right corner there are options to 'Email' or 'Download' the pay slip the employee.
If downloading the pay slip, the pay slip will generate in PDF format.
If emailing the pay slip to the employee, you will receive a confirmation message once the pay slip
Downloading Multiple Pay Slips
We also have a handy little feature that allows pay run administrators to download all pay slips for an employee for a given date range.
Simply open the employee file and go to their “pay slips” section and you’ll see a section for downloading multiple pay slips. Simply enter the date range, click download and KeyPay will generate you a single PDF with all the payslips for that employee for the given date range
If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know via support@nzpayroll.co.nz
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