Qualifications - Creating & Managing Employee Qualifications

Qualifications allow employees to have knowledge of an employee's formal qualification/s, documentation and skill set. Full access users, along with restricted users (who have been given the relevant permission) are able to create, edit, update and monitor an employee's qualifications. This then allows them to allocate an employee to a particular task/s they are qualified to do. The qualification feature also monitors when a qualification is due to expire and/or has expired. Notifications for upcoming expirations is within 7 days of the date of expiry.

In addition to employers, employees are also able to manage their qualifications via the Employee portal

A short video on this setup can be found here.

This article covers the following topics:

Employer management of employee qualifications

Add a business qualification

To add a new business qualification, click on the 'Add' option > add the name of the qualification to the 'Name' field > then click on 'Save':


Edit a business qualification

You can change the name of an existing business qualification. To do this, click on the qualification name itself. This will open the field so you can edit the name. Once complete, click on 'Save'.    

Delete a business qualification

If you no longer require a business qualification you are able to delete it as long as there are no employees currently linked to it. To find out which employees are linked to qualifications there is an Employee Qualifications Report that will give you this information. 

To delete a qualification, click on the red bin icon as displayed below:


Export employee qualifications

Exporting qualification data allows you to do a bulk update on existing data (Note - you are not able to add new qualification categories via import). To export employee qualifications, click on 'Export' located on the top right-hand side of the screen. You will then be redirected to a new screen where you can choose to download the following formats:

  • A spreadsheet that includes only active employees;
  • A spreadsheet that includes both active and terminated employees;
  • Empty spreadsheet. This spreadsheet does not contain any employee data, rather only the headers to act as a guide for the required information in each column. The headers are as follows:  


When exporting using the first or second option, the spreadsheet will contain a list of all employees (regardless of whether they have any qualifications or not) and any qualification data already stored in their file. An example of the results are as follows:



From here, you can:

  • insert new rows, for when an employee has multiple qualifications;
  • update any existing qualification data such as expiry date and reference number.

Make the relevant changes required in the spreadsheet and then save to your drive so you can then import the spreadsheet back into the payroll system.

N.B. You can also export qualification data via the Payroll Settings > Data Extracts screen.

Import employee qualifications

To import employee qualifications, click on 'Import' located in the top right-hand side of the screen. Select the file from your drive and then click on 'Confirm upload?'. 

Receiving notifications when employees update their qualifications

For full access users and employee managers, qualification notifications can be configured via the 'My notification' page, by ticking/not ticking the 'Email me when an employee I supervise updates their qualification' setting:


If enabled, the user will receive an email notification each time an employee that they supervise adds, updates or removes their qualification. 

Employee management of employee qualifications

Adding details for a new qualification

To add details for a new qualification, the employee must first log into their employee self service portal and navigate to the Documents > Qualifications page. 

All qualifications that are currently active at a business level will be listed, and if the employee has already added details relevant to a particular one, they will be listed at the top along with any entered details. Any qualification that the employee has not added details for will be a lighter shade of grey and listed at the bottom.

To add details for a qualification, simply click the green 'add' symbol as shown below:


A new context panel will open to the side and the following details can be added:

  • Issue date: Refers to the date the qualification was attained;
  • Expires on: Refers to the date the qualification expires. Select the 'Never expires' box if there is no expiry date;
  • Reference: Free text field. Can be used for additional information such as qualification reference numbers;
  • Documents: If relevant you are able to upload a document by clicking the 'Upload document' button and selecting a file from your computer.


Once the details have been entered, click 'Save'. 

Editing details for an existing qualification

In order to edit details for an existing qualification, click the pencil 'edit' icon to the far right of the qualification that needs editing:


A new context panel will open to the right of the page. Simply update the details as required and click save. 

Deleting details for an existing qualification

In order to delete details for an existing qualification, click the red 'delete' icon to the far right of the qualification that you wish to delete:


You'll be asked to confirm the deletion via a pop up, and once confirmed the qualification name will change back to a light grey text, and it's placement will move back down the list, under any qualifications that have details added. 

NB: Deleting details for a qualification doesn't delete the existence of the qualification category, it just removes the details that had previously been added for that particular employee in relation to the qualification.

Employee qualification notifications

An email notification will be sent to an employee when any of their qualifications are about to expire (within the next 7 days) and on the day the qualification has expired. 

Dashboard Notifications 

On the payroll dashboard, the "Action Items" section will display a notification for any qualifications that are expiring within the next 7 days and/or have already expired.

For information on how to allocate qualifications to an employee on an individual basis, refer to this article: Qualifications - Allocate to an Employee.


If you have any questions or feedback please let us know via support@yourpayroll.co.nz

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