Downloading Pay Run Journals

There are two different types of journal downloads depending on whether or not you are connected to a direct integrated journal service, or you use a file export based journal:

  1. Integrated journal download
  2. File export journal download

In order to have the functionality to download either type of journal, you'll first need to do 2 things:

  1. Connect to a journal service (either integrated or file export) via the Payroll settings > Integrations Page; and
  2. Map your GL accounts on the Chart of Accounts page. 

Integrated journal service

If you have connected your journal service via direct integration, you'll have the option to export the payroll journal into the relevant software when you finalise a pay run. Additionally you have the ability to download a journal file within a finalised pay run and via the Journal Report (accessed via Reports or Report Packs). 

Direct integrated journal services include the following:

If you are wanting to download or export a journal from within a finalised pay run, navigate to the 'Export' option and click the drop down arrow as shown in the example below:


From there, you can choose to export the payroll data directly to your journal provider or download the journal. If you select to 'Download journal', an Excel file will download that contains both a summary and detailed tab: 

  1. The summary file worksheet will include the column headers:
  • Account Code 
  • Account Name 
  • Debit
  • Credit
  • Tax code

The summary file report will use the configuration of the 'Chart of accounts' page and show what will be posted to the accounting system that it is connected to.

     2. The detailed file report will include the column headers:

  • Account Code
  • Account Name
  • Debit
  • Credit
  • Reference 
  • Location

The detailed summary file report will be split by location and employee regardless of the business’ 'Chart of accounts' configuration. This is itemised per employee within the 'Reference' field. 

File export based journal

File-based integration allows you to download a pay run's journal data in a tab-separated .TXT format for manually importing. 

File export based journals include:

  • File Export 
  • Detailed File Export

If you select an option other than 'File export' or 'Detailed file export', the downloaded journal will be in a format required of the other software. For example, the downloaded journal export for 'Attache' is in a different format than the downloaded journal for 'Pronto XI'. 

The below information is relevant if you are wanting to download a payroll journal, and select either 'File export' or 'Detailed file export'.

From within a finalised pay run, navigate to the 'Download Journal' button:


  • The journal can be downloaded in CSV or XLSX format which can then be imported into your accounting system
  1. The File export worksheet will include the column headers:
  • Account Code 
  • Account Name 
  • Debit
  • Credit
  • Reference
  • Tax code

     2. The detailed file export report will include the column headers:

  • Account Code
  • Account Name
  • Debit
  • Credit
  • Reference 
  • Units
  • Pay period starting
  • Pay period ending
  • Date paid
  • Tax code
  • Location

Both downloads will use the configuration on the 'Chart of accounts' page.

Here is a comparison of the two side by side so you can see the difference between the 'File export' and the 'Detailed file export' options:


NB: Unlike the journal export for Integrated Journal Providers, neither the 'File export' or 'Detailed file export' will itemise transactions per employee. 

The following articles provide more information on journals:

Mapping GL Accounts

How to Set Up the Provision for Leave Liabilities in your Payroll Journal

If you have any questions or feedback please let us know via

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