You can access the leave liability report via the reports home page under the 'Payroll Reports' section.
In order to generate the report you are required to enter the following information:
- As at date/ OR pay run filter - You can switch between these by clicking on the toggle switch button:
Currently, when the "as at date" is changed to a date in the past, the report will still show the current leave liability. Leave liability reports are primarily used for monitoring current leave liabilities and forecasting future ones. To track leave liabilities over time, you can run a current report, export it, and file it for future reference.
- Leave type
- Employing entity (if applicable)
- Group by - Leave accrual location or Employee default location
- Group by location
- Whether to include approved leave
The report then gives you both a summary and detailed information. The summary includes:
- Leave type
- Approved request hours total
- Leave hours total
- Leave value
The detailed report includes the following information (once you have clicked on an individual employees name):
- Employee - employee name.
- Last period end date - the date that the pay period ends on.
- Calculated weeks - for annual holidays and holiday pay 8%, the calculated weeks is calculating the number of weeks from the employee's last anniversary date (i.e. the number of weeks into the employee's accrual period). There may be instances where the calculated weeks varies between the Annual Holidays liability and the Holiday Pay 8% liability - this applies where historic gross earnings are used to calculate the employee's 8% liability and is thereby picking up the start of the historic earnings pay run (as opposed to the employee's anniversary/leave year start date). As for alternative holiday leave, this is not an accrual based leave therefore the calculated weeks will always display as zero.
- Leave type - leave type includes alternative holiday leave, annual holidays, annual holidays (parental leave rules) and holiday pay 8%.
- Approved requests - any approved leave request in the relevant unit type (e.g. days or weeks) for the leave category type.
- Approved request hours - the approved leave request converted in hours.
- Leave balance - the available leave balance in the relevant unit type (e.g. days or weeks).
- Leave hours - the available leave balance converted to hours. If advanced work hours are set up for the employee, it will look at the employee's work pattern to convert to hours. If basic hours are set up for the employee, the day to hour conversion is calculated by multiplying the number of leave days by the hours per day value configured for the employee in the Pay Run Defaults screen. The week to hour conversion is calculated by multiplying the number of leave weeks by the hours per week value configured for the employee in the Pay Run Defaults screen.
- Leave value - the calculated leave value is based on the calculation method set in the employee's leave pay ratescreen of relevant daily pay or average daily pay for daily based leave (such as alternative holiday leave) and the greater of average weekly earnings (AWE) and ordinary weekly pay agreed rate or ordinary weekly pay 4 weekly formula for weekly based leave (e.g. annual holidays). The estimated hourly rate can be determined by calculating the 'Leave value' amount, divided by the 'Leave hours' amount. If an employee had taken leave in advance via a pay run in this platform and as a result has a negative leave balance, the amount displayed here will be the negative value of the leave $ amount that was paid in advance. N.B. If the employee has a negative leave balance in their opening balance or via a leave adjustment, the system will calculate the negative leave $ amount based on the employee's RDP/ADP calculation method.
- For holiday pay 8%, this is based on the employees total gross earnings (predicted gross earnings if the report as at date is a future date) from last anniversary date where the employee has not reached 12 months of employment or reached their anniversary date for the year. The formula for Holiday Pay 8% is calculated as (pay run gross earnings + historical gross earnings + projected earnings + annual holiday value + alternative holiday leave value) x 8%. You can access a breakdown of each employee's 8% holiday pay calculation by clicking on the download icon alongside the employee's holiday pay leave value. Refer to our support article on the holiday pay calculation workbook for further information. Note that if the employee is set to a percentage other than 8% in the pay rates screen, that percentage will be used in the calculation.
There are a number of ways of viewing this report by clicking 'Expand All' (please note that when 'Expand all' is selected, the option will change to 'Collapse all') and 'Show All Employees'.
You are able to export this report as CSV, Excel or PDF and can also be added to report packs.
You can easily access the report filter and download button whilst scrolling through the report via a sticky filter, without having to scroll back to the top of the page. The sticky filter buttons will appear on the top right-hand side of the report when you scroll down the report:
Using this sticky filter, you can choose to change the filter parameters by clicking on the 'Filter' button and making the changes then clicking the 'Update' button. You also have the option to clear the filter completely to default by clicking the 'Clear filters' option at the bottom right-hand side of the sticky filter.
- If the report is generated for a point in time in the future, employee’s leave balance and calculated weeks will be projected forward according to their expected entitlement.
- Any earnings associated to pay categories that have the 'Exclude from Average Weekly Earnings' or 'Exclude from Ordinary Weekly Pay' checkbox ticked will be excluded from gross earnings.
- Approved leave will only be included if it's for a period that's after the most recent pay run for an employee - the report will assume that anything prior to that date will have been applied to a pay run
- Leave categories that are marked as ‘exclude from termination payout’ are not considered liabilities and are excluded from the report.
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