Business Details

The business details can be accessed from the payroll dashboard. 

Select Payroll settings

Then click the Details tab.

This page allows you to enter the following information:

  • Business Name - This is the name that will be shown throughout the system (required);
  • Legal Name - This is the name that will be shown on pay slips (required);
  • - (required) The Customer Reference Number (CRN) consists of 12 numeric digits: 
    • 4 digits = year of business entity registered
    • 2 digits = business entity code
      • Local companies = 01
      • Foreign companies = 02
      • Business (ROB) = 03
      • Local limited liability partnership = 04
      • Foreign limited liability partnership = 05
      • Professional limited liability partnership = 06
      • Audit firm = 07
    • 6 digits = sequence number
  • Address - International Address - if the business does not have a valid address in Singapore this option can be used. When entering an international address, Address Line 1 is required, the Postcode field should only be used for the postcode and the Address Line 2 or 3 should be used for the suburb/state. Lookup Address - Block/house number field is required, likewise the street name.  Entering data into the 'lookup address' field will auto display a list of addresses that you can select, and then the other required address fields will pre-populate.
  • Contact Name (required) ;
  • Contact Email Address (required) - All system generated email notifications (leave, expenses, rostering, etc) will be sent from the email listed on the business details page, with the exception of pay slips (if there is a different email set up on the pay slips page). If the email listed here is using a restricted email domain the notifications will be sent from The reason for this is, due to the sensitive nature of payroll information that will potentially be sent from these email addresses and the likelihood of the emails being treated as spam, we have placed restrictions on the email domains we will allow and therefore what emails can be entered in this field. More information can be found here
  • Contact Phone Number (8-10 digits, no system validation);
  • Contact Fax Number;
  • Standard Hours Per Day (required) - This is used to predict leave and predict rates for date rate employees. The system default is set at 8 hours per day;
  • Standard days per week
  • Formula for calculating ordinary rate of pay
  • Work Week; - This will determine the default period end day that the system will use for pay runs and timesheets
  • External ID; - This is used in some cases if integrating with an external system
  • Allow SMS notifications - Check this to allow the system to send SMS notifications to employees on your behalf (charges apply); 




  If you have any questions or feedback please let us know via 
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