Creating a Pay Run with Director Pays

To create a pay run with Director Pays you will need to ensure that you have set the director employee details up correctly, this article will assist you to make sure that you have set up the director correctly.

You will also need to ensure you have set up the pay schedule correctly, this article will assist you to make sure that you have done this correctly.

There are 2 ways you can create a new pay run:

Click on the 'New Pay Run' button located to the right of your payroll dashboard:


Or you can click on the Pay Runs icon (on the left navigation bar) and then click on the 'New Pay Run' button to the right of the screen:



Once you have selected to run a new pay run you will see the following dialogue box:



  • Pay Schedule: This dropdown will list all the pay schedules you have setup. Select the applicable pay schedule for the pay run you wish to create. N.B. Automated pay runs cannot be created manually and, as such, you will notice they do not appear in the pay schedule dropdown. You will need to pause the pay schedule's automation if you want to create a pay run manually.
  • Pay Period Ending: If you are creating a pay run for this pay schedule for the first time, you will need to enter the pay period end date applicable to the pay run. Future pay runs created for the same pay schedule will then automatically add the pay period end date based on the first date added and the frequency of the pay run.   
  • Date pay run will be paid: If this is your first pay run for this pay schedule, you will need to enter the pay date applicable to the pay run. Future pay runs created for the same pay schedule will then automatically add the pay date based on the first date added and the frequency of the pay run.
  • Manually add employees to pay run: You can select this option if you do not want all employees (that are normally included in the pay schedule) to appear and would rather prefer to manually add employees to the pay run. When creating the pay run with this option selected, no employees will appear in the pay run at all.   
  • Create pay run with empty pays: If you select this option, all employee pays in the pay run will be £0. Any employee default earnings, standard work hours or pay run inclusions will not appear in the pay run. 

Once all pay run settings have been selected, click on 'Create'. A progress dialog box will appear whilst the pay run data is being calculated.

You may need to add some employees to the pay run if you have created the pay run with add employees manually selected. To do this you would need to click on the highlighted writing 'add some employees' pictured below:


You will see this box where you will need to enter in the employees name to the pay run and then click the 'Add Employee' button and the employee will be added to the pay run.


The pay run will now be calculated and you will be able to see the tax calculated, NI, etc. To expand the pay run you can do this by clicking on the little chevron next to the employees name. Here there are various actions you can perform such as recalculate, add an earnings line, make a deduction, or mark as a late submission etc by clicking on the 'Actions' button.

You can see there is a warnings tab in the picture below, these are to do with the settings in the pay schedule you set up to show warnings. When you have checked and corrected any errors/warnings you can check the draft pay slips and the draft reports by clicking on the tabs. There are a number of pay run actions from the 'pay run actions' button that you can do - adjust the pay period, mark them as a late submission etc.



When you have finished making changes to your pay run, you can finalise it.

Finalising the pay run makes the data in your pay run available in reports and also allows pay slips for the pay run to be visible to employees from the employee portal.

To finalise a pay run you need to:

Click the 'Finalise Pay Run' button you will then see this dialogue box:final.png


Once the pay run is finalised the pay run will be locked.

Should you need to edit the pay run, you can unlock the pay run by selecting the 'Pay Run Actions' tab in the pay run. From here, select 'Unlock'.

Once you select 'Unlock', ensure your changes/corrections are made and then select finalise to re finalise the pay run.

If you would like to watch a YouTube video on Creating a Pay Run with Director Pays then you can click this link.


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