When you have an employee that has a student loan you will need to go to the: Employee Details Page > Employee Settings > Tax and NI Details.
1: You will need to tick the box to say that the employee has a student loan.
2: You will then need to choose from the drop down menu the student loan type:
Plan 1 - You will have a Plan 1 Student Loan if: You lived in Scotland or Northern Ireland when you started your course, or you lived in England or Wales and started your course before September 2012.
Plan 2 - You will have a Plan 2 Student Loan if: You lived in England or Wales and started your course on or after 1 September 2012.
Once you have filled out the details press the 'Save' button.
Every time a pay run is created a check will be made with HMRC for any Start/Stop notices in relation to the student loan. Deductions will be calculated accordingly in the pay run.
If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know via support@yourpayroll.co.uk
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