Cyclical Re-enrolment

Cyclical re-enrolment is due every three years and means that any employee that had previously opted out of your pension scheme must now be assessed, and if eligible enrolled into the scheme.  If any employees have opted out within the last 12 months you have the option to include or exclude them from the assessment.

The cyclical re-enrolment window is based on your original duties start/staging date and you can flex this to either 3 months before or after that date.

When you enter your staging date in the system the system will then automatically send you a reminder 6 months prior to your cyclical re-enrolment which will show on your dashboard.

If you click on the link in the reminder it will take you to the Pension Settings screen, you can then enter the date of your re-enrolment.

You need to ensure you have your original staging date saved in the Pension Settings screen, without this we can’t give you any reminders.

When you’ve entered the re -enrolment date you can tick the box to include employees opted out in the last 12 months and hit save.

The system will track the date so when you create a pay run that hits the re-enrolment date any opted out employees will be re-assessed and enrolled if eligible and enrolment letters applied.

It is a legal requirement to re-declare with The Pensions Regulator that you have complied with your cyclical re-enrolment duties.

When you have finalised your pay run you’ll get another message on your dashboard.

When you click the link in the reminder it will take you to the re-declaration compliance checklist from The Pensions Regulator.

It’s a checklist of all the information you need to complete your re-declaration.  

When you have collated and completed your checklist click ‘declaration of compliance’ within the reminder on the dashboard and you’ll be taken straight to the online re-declaration page of The Pensions Regulator website.

If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know via

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