Leave - Entering Leave Taken

You are able to add leave taken either during the pay run or via the leave requests.

Please note, leave must be entered via the Actions > Take Leave tab. Do not enter leave as earnings, as this will not record the leave as leave taken. If leave is entered as earnings, it will not be shown in the employee's leave balance, or in your leave reports. If the employee leaves the business, the leave balance that will be paid out will not be taken out of any leave entered as earnings. It will be more than what was entered as earnings.

To enter leave taken during the pay run you need to:

  1. Click on the employee for whom it applies, this will open the employee's pay run details.

  2. Click on the 'Actions' tab in the bottom right hand corner, then choose the 'Take Leave' option.

  3. When you click the 'Take Leave' button, a new line will show under the 'Leave Taken' heading.

  4. You will then need to enter:
    • Leave Category (required)
    • Notes
    • Hours or Days Taken (required)


Note: Against each leave option (next to the 'Notes' field, the system will display how many hours or days of the chosen leave the employee has available. If you enter more hours or days than the employee is entitled to, a warning will display that says "This employee has taken more leave than they have accrued".  The system will allow the employee to go into a negative leave balance.


Use the Leave Menu to enter future leave requests, that will then be available to "apply" in the appropriate pay run/s...


1. Go to the Create Leave requests option by clicking on the "Leave" menu on the left.




2.  Now complete the Create Leave request window, note you can enter leave for the same period for more than one employee at a time...


3. When you hit 'Save' the leave will either be approved immediately (if the box has been ticked, see "5" above) or will be available for approval according to how you have arranged your settings.

4. Leave requests will appear in the appropriate pay run (see "1" below) and can be entered by clicking on the 'Apply' button that appears to the right when you hover over the request (see "2" below).


NOTE: If a leave request has more hours or days than the employee's normal weekly/fortnightly or monthly hours or days, just apply the appropriate amount of hours or days.  Any remaining hours or days will carry over to the next pay run to apply.

To find out more about how leave requests, when applied, affect the employee's earnings check out this article Leave Categories (how leave behaves in the pay run).

If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know via support@yourpayroll.co.uk

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