Managing employee roster unavailability

The Rostering module has an Employee Unavailability feature that allows you or your employees to enter the date and time for when they will be unavailable for a shift. You can also use this feature to edit the unavailability details if they change and delete a record if it is no longer required.

Getting started

The below premise will walk you through how to add an employee's unavailability.

Add an employee's unavailability
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the   Roster menu.
  3. Click the Roster Actions   button.
  4. Click the   Employees button.
  5. Enter the name of the employee into the Search field.
  6. Click on the employee name that needs unavailability added.
  7. Click the Availability tab.
  8. Click the Add button. 
  9. Enter the unavailability period and click the Save button.

    You have the following options:

    • Day: if you select 'ongoing' unavailability, you'll be asked to choose the day this unavailability occurs on
    • Time: if the unavailability is for a specific time of the day, you'll need to set a start and end time
    • Frequency: set the frequency to be a one off or ongoing (recurring) unavailability
    • Duration: set the unavailability to be all day or for a specific period in the day
    • Date: the date the unavailability will start
    • End: the date the unavailability will end (optional)
    • Reason: the reason for the unavailability


The below premise will walk you through how to edit and/or delete an employees unavailability.

Edit an employee's unavailability
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the   Roster menu.
  3. Click the Roster Actions   button.
  4. Click the   Employees button.
  5. Enter the name of the employee into the Search field.
  6. Click on the employee name that needs unavailability added.
  7. Click the Availability tab.
  8. Click the   button. 
  9. Make the required changes and click the Save button. 
Deleting an employee's unavailability
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the   Roster menu.
  3. Click the Roster Actions button.
  4. Click the   Employees button. Employee_1.jpg
  5. Enter the name of the employee into the Search field.
  6. Click on the employee name that needs unavailability added.
  7. Click the Availability tab.
  8. Click the   button. 
  9. Click the Delete button.

Viewing availability

Within the rostering page, there are 2 ways to view an unavailability. Via the 'Availability' tab (where you go to add an availability), and within the roster itself. 

Viewing availability using the Availability tab
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the   Roster menu.
  3. Click the Roster Actions   button.
  4. Click the   Employees button.
  5. Enter the name of the employee into the Search field.
  6. Click on the employee name that needs unavailability added.
  7. Click the Availability tab.
  8. If an employee has any unavailability periods saved, you will see the following information:
  • Date - this will display the relevant date/s. If it's more than 1 day it will show as a date range. eg: 1/10/21 - 15/10/21 or 2/9/21 - perpetual (if there is no end date);
  • Every - this will display the relevant day/s. Multiple days in a row will display as a range. eg: Monday - Wednesday;
  • Duration - this will display the time duration. eg: 10am - 4pm or All day;
  • Reason - this will display the reason if one has been entered.

To the far right of the unavailability details is the pencil 'edit' icon, and the 'delete' icon if you need to make changes, or remove the unavailability. 

Viewing availability on the roster page

Once an availability has been added, a tile is added to the roster, and if you click on that tile, a context panel will display with all the details of that unavailability.

unavailability tile showing on the roster page

Further information

What managers with permission can do

A manager with 'Manage employee rosters' permission (via their access permissions on the 'Manage users' page), can:

  • edit an employee’s existing unavailability record. If a record is edited, the employee should receive a notification advising as such;
  • delete an existing employee unavailability record. If a record is deleted, the employee should receive a notification advising as such, including the details of the unavailability that was deleted;
  • add unavailability on behalf of the employee.
Notifications from unavailability

When a manager changes employee unavailability, employees will receive a notification letting them know via email and/or WorkZone (if they have it installed).

Managers can also receive an email notification when an employee unavailability changes by going to 'Account' -> 'Manage Notifications' and selecting 'Email me when an employee that I supervise is unavailable to work'

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