If you've been previously running payroll and would like to upgrade payroll providers, you can get up and running quickly by using our FPS import.
Using the FPS import will allow you to import the following data:
- HMRC Details
- Employee Details - including some of the opening balances.
To view our YouTube video on FPS File Importer - How to add employees click here.
Firstly you will need to export the data from your previous payroll provider by downloading the latest FPS submission made to HMRC.
You can import your FPS payroll data by following these steps:
- Go to the 'Add Employee' menu and click on 'Import Employees':
2. Under the 'Import employees' section, select 'FPS File Import' from the 'Import employees from' drop down menu.
3. Then 'Select file' you now want to upload (the file type needs to be XML).
4. Once you have chosen the file you would like to upload click on the 'Confirm upload?' button.
Once the download is complete you will see the following screen informing you that the import was successful.
N.B. Please be aware that once the import has been done you will still need to complete certain parts of the employee set up wizard with data not contained in the FPS to fully complete the employee set up.
You can then click on the name of the employee which will take you the employee set up wizard to complete the information.
The following information will need to be completed in the set up wizard:
- Email address (if required)
- Employee start date
- Pay Rate
- Hours worked
- Employee bank details
- Pension Details (if required)
Once this information has been added you will see the following screen which will confirm that the set up for this employee has now been successfully completed.
You can now repeat these steps to set up all of your employees.
Employee Details
The following details will be included in the import:
Title => Title
Forename => First Name
Surname => Surname
Address 1 => Residential Address Line 1
Address 2 => Residential Address Line 2
Address 3 => Residential Suburb
Post Code => Residential Post Code
Gender => Gender
Date of Birth => Date Of Birth
Tax Code => Tax Code
Wk1Mth1 Basis => Tax Calculation Method
NI Category => National Insurance Category
Employee Statement => (Default ‘This employee has previously been reported’)
Payroll ID => RTI Payroll Id
NI Number => National Insurance Number
Director Status => Company Director
Payment Frequency => Pay Schedule
Payment Date => Date of payment
Pay Period => Current week/month
Opening Balances
The following details will be included in the import:
Gross Pay for Tax => Gross Earnings (Salary Pay Category Default)
Total Tax TD => PAYE Amount
Gross Pay for NIC => Total NIable Pay
Ees NIC TD => NI Employee Contribution
Ers NIC TD => NI Employer Contribution
NIC to LEL => NIable pay at the LEL
NIC to PT => NIable pay LEL to PT
NIC to UEL => NIable pay PT to UEL
Ee Pens TD => Employee Pension Contribution
Student Loan TD => Student Loan Amount
Postgraduate Loan TD => Postgrad Loan Amount
Statutory Sick Pay TD => Amount
Statutory Maternity Pay TD => Amount
Statutory Parental Pay TD => Amount
Statutory Adoption Pay TD => Amount
Statutory Shared Parental Pay TD => Amount
Statutory Parental Bereavement TD => Amount
N.B. Please note that in the HMRC settings page for your business your Employer PAYE reference, Accounts office Reference and HMRC user ID will be imported from the FPS.
If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know via support@yourpayroll.co.uk
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