Managing Employee Tags

Tags are a useful tool that can be used in many ways.

Tags can be linked to employees and used in Pay Conditions and in Employee Groups, or simply for custom data. Tags are not visible to employees.

To view our YouTube video on Tags click here.

Tag Management Screen:

The Tag Management screen can be accessed via 'Payroll Settings' > 'Pay Conditions' > 'Tags'. If you already have created tags you will see a list of all the tags on the screen.


Tips on navigating the Tags screen

Creating a new tag:

Simply click on 'Add', enter the name and click on the save icon. A context panel will then appear, allowing you to add a description and assign the tag to employees.

Accessing details of an existing tag:

To open the context panel and access the details of an existing tag, click on the pencil icon to the right of the tag.

Adding a description:

Descriptions are useful for other admin users to be aware of the tag’s purpose and, as such, who it should be assigned to. To add a description, open the context panel and click on 'Add a description'. You can then type in your description and click on 'Save'.

Knowing who is assigned to a tag:

On the main screen, you will know whether any employees are assigned to a particular tag by the number of employees indicated next to the name. 




Clicking on that will open the context panel where you can see a list of all employees in the business. You can filter to just see employees assigned to the tag:



Adding/removing an employee from a tag:

Open the context panel and search for a specific employee or scroll through the employee list. Ticking the checkbox will attach the tag to an employee. Unticking the checkbox will remove the tag from an employee.

Deleting a tag:

Simply click on the 'delete' icon to the right of the tag. 

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