Salary sacrifice is a deduction initiated by the employee and is set up as a deduction. To set up a salary sacrifice you will need to:
Go to the employee record for the employee that you want to create the salary sacrifice for and under the 'Pay Run Settings' section click 'Pay Run Inclusions' > click on 'Add' on the right side of 'Deductions'.
You will see the following page where you will need to complete the following details:
Select Salary Sacrifice Pension from the drop down menu under 'deduction category'.
Enter the deduction amount to be applied per pay run. It can be a 'Fixed amount' or a 'Percentage of Gross'. If you chose fixed amount you will need to enter the fixed amount in £'s and if you choose percentage of gross you will need to enter the percentage.
You should set the priority if there is more than one inclusion.
Select whether the deduction should be paid manually or to a bank account.
Select how the preserved earnings should be used from the drop down menu. Preserved earnings are a fixed pound amount that is used to indicate the minimum amount an employee must be paid before a deduction can be made.
You will have the option to choose 'Never', 'Once a minimum net earnings limit has been reached' or 'Once a percentage of net earnings limit has been reached'.
If you select once a minimum net earnings limit has been reached you will need to enter the preserved earnings amount (per pay run) or once a percentage of net earnings limit has been reached.
You will then need to set what to do if the amount is not reached: Do not pay the deduction or to Pay the deduction up to the preservation limit.
Carry forward unpaid deduction amounts if the preservation limit is not reached
Current unpaid deduction amount carried forward:£0.00
Carry forward unused preserved earnings if the preservation limit is not reached
Current preserved earnings carried forward:£0.00
Apply a note if you would like this deduction to have a note attached on the employee's pay slip.
Please state when you want this pay run inclusion to start and when it should expire.
Click save.
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