To resubmit an FPS for an individual from within a pay run, you will need to make sure the pay run is unlocked (see this article if you need assistance to unlock the pay run).
Helpful Hint
Please note if the re-submission is being done before the paid date on the pay run, then there is no need to Mark as a late submission. It is only after the date paid has passed that they need to be marked as a late submission.
When you are in the pay run, you need to click on the employee whom you wish to make the late submission for to expand the pay run. You then need to click on the Actions button and then the Mark as Late Submission button.
You will now see a line appear in the pay run, which requires you to enter a late submission reason:
When you have selected your reason, please click the Save button. Then you need to click the Finalise Pay Run button and you will then you will see the finalise pay run text box. You will then need to click on the Pencil Icon beside the FPS that has already been submitted.
You will then choose the Only submit for employees with late payment reason applied option. Once you have finalised your pay run, your FPS will be lodged with HMRC
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