Pay Conditions
You may set up Pay Conditions to automatically pay employees at different rates for bank holidays. Please note that unless pay conditions rules are set up, bank holidays are not automatically applied during a pay run.
Manually adding bank holidays
You can access the settings for Bank Holidays by going to the Payroll Settings Bank Holidays page. Click on the required date in the calendar to add a bank holiday. Please check for all government and regional Bank Holidays not listed and add them manually if required. You will also need to assign them to this location in payroll. Next, you need to add the date, description, any notes. Then which locations the bank holiday applies to, if it is location specific, Lastly, click the Save button.
Platform public holidays
You can disable a platform public holiday by selecting the holiday and choosing the disable option. It will leave the holiday on your calendar, but there will be a line through the name. To re-enable the holiday, simply select it again and choose the Restore the Platform Public Holiday option.
Helpful Hint
You can set up pay conditions to automatically pay employees at different rates for bank holidays. Please note that unless you setup pay condition rule sets, bank holidays are not automatically applied during a pay run.t
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